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[Solved] Is this reality...

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So I got the Sarah's law result letter and it says "I note that the children do not reside with you and so no information to disclose"

Seriously... What the [censored]?!?!

I have parentital responsibility and my wife exposing my children to a 4 time convicted [censored] offender on the [censored] offenders list time served and that information is 7 years ago. This year I witnessed him abuse a vulnerable Polish girl.

I phoned the police Sargent and he's not answering even though I'm told he's at work.

I contacted my MPs senior case worker and she said "a decision to disclose is not dependent on whether a person lives with the children"

What do I do now? I'm starting to feel paranoid that the [censored] offenders claim he has contacts in White Hall is proving true!

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I'm sorry you keep coming up against obstacles. I would keep trying to speak to the Sergeant and get some explanation of the decision.

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I've heard from the Sargent this morning, he basically told me that I know enough about the offender from the article.. He said that's he's a father and he wouldn't want his children around such a man as well. He personally went to my wife and told her to keep away from him. I feel like it's just the tip of the iceberg and a police document would have been devastating in court.

I have an interim hearing on the c100 and steps order next week. I decided to fork out 600 for a soclistor, I don't want to risk a mental black out from anxiety

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Focus on contact, once you get that moving it's a win win situation.

I spent years going out of my mind. I came up against literally hundreds of professionals who didn't appear to be doing their jobs correctly - this unfortunately is just how it is. If you can always manage to keep the focus on the children and their needs you should be able to chip away at this mess bit by bit and get to where you want to be.

You say you had a happy three years with this woman. I was exactly the same, a perfect relationship where I felt happy and secure and thought she was the nicest person I had ever met.....

The thing is, some people put on a mask - my ex certainly did. When the mask slips, they reveal their true self to you. It's a shock. It leaves you wondering what's real and what's not.

My first port of call when my ex left was a mens charity. They told me they thought I was suffering from narcissistic abuse. I thought that was rubbish. Then another counsellor said the same to me a few days later. Again I couldn't believe it. A few weeks later a qualified mental health nurse told me the same in an assessment. I decided to look into it. Still couldn't accept it. As time went on and more and more people said the same thing to me (all were either counsellors or mental health practitioners) I began to be a little more open to the possibility that this was the truth.

Now, I look back and can clearly identify narcissistic traits in the ex. In fact we met recently for the first time in years and she was the same - swearing that black is white and white is black.....

When most families split, it isn't nice but the parents somehow manage to reach their own agreements for the good of the children. What I've seen in family court in my own case and others I've helped with is that many of the cases that end up in court are a result of one side of the relationship displaying narcissistic behaviour.

There is a mass of information online from people like Richard Grannon and Sam Vaknin that you may find interesting. Once you know what you are dealing with, you can be more effective in overcoming what they have done to you and what they will continue to try to do to you. Be careful of the armchair psychiatrists online and the people who have an axe to grind - by that I mean don't believe everything you read BUT when somebody changes - as my ex did - as your ex did - with no good reason and then begin to target their former partner, there is usually an underlying mental health issue.

You'll get nowhere walking into a courtroom saying that you believe somebody is a narcissist but you will be able to guide the court into reaching a fair conclusion if you work at it.

Given the situation regarding your children and this [censored] offender, I would have thought you should be talking to social services now rather than the police. Ask them questions, ask they how they will protect your children. Don't try to force anything with them, let them do their job and if they don't do it, complain!

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I've been doing some research and it seems my wife has some type of borderline personality disorder. She was abandoned by her father and neglected by mother with a questionable job. Her personality was mirroring my every interest and hobby I had. We got on like a house on fire. She was extremely caring, it even felt like too much at times, nothing was too much. She was always massaging my ego, made me feel like a new man.

I've gone from shy zero to feeling like the luckiest man in the world with a dream wife and two beautiful sons to abandoned in the cold, being painted as literally Hitler and having my life destoryed from the inside out, in under 5 years.

As for the SS after my arrest and they became involved I was flagging up the other man like crazy, because I happen to suffer from OCD (which has no bearing on my rational thinking) they just wrote it off as an obsession! And my wife was happy to pump it. After 100+ hours digging on him I find evidence and shown the SS, how their tuned changed. First they told my wife to keep away from him while they investigate, but she trickled truth them saying she only speaks to him a couple of times a week on the phone (Russian translation: I see him a few times a week)

Yesterday the SS answered my 2000 word formal complaint and it seems I'm finally getting some respect. I listed how they mentally discriminated against me, failed to safeguard my children, treated me as already convicted, when I'm now cleared of allegations, how I been vindicated about the [censored] offender, how they presented his view about me as fact and gave my wife one to one meetings for her false allegations in the single assentment, whereas I had only a 3 vs 1 meeting assuming my guilt when I'm an introvert unable to defend myself under pressure.
They going to get a new social worker for a one to one with me and write up a new single assentment. They put the children in my wife's care on safeguarding team 3 (whatever that is?) They said my wife said she won't let other man see children (suspected trickle truth, nothing about herself and she has no one to babysit)

I just wish I knew what her end game is, what does she expect to gain destroying her children's father and spending the family money on my lawyers swimming pool... the children will grow up broken and complexed like her if she wins. The dirty old [censored] offender is married and has a son, so it's not like she's going to get a pay day when he pops his cogs.

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