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There won't be any punishment for her, no. Don't bother trying to understand why because you won't like the answer - I wasted a few months of bitterness over my ex and her lies before I just accepted that I had been cleared of all allegations at my fact finding.
Ask the barrister to present your evidence at the start of the hearing.
If you go here: www.courtserve.net you should be able to find your case by court complex and case number. Useful for researching judges 😉
One of the advantages in having legal representation is that it should take some of the pressure off the litigant.
We aren’t legally trained, but we have experience and a few assist as MFs. Our aim is to give general advice and support.
I would talk to your barrister about the fresh evidence from your bank and how best to introduce it, if that is indeed what is best for your case.
As has already been said, it’s good news that you have a senior judge, hopefully they will cut to the chase quickly and see through all the smokescreens. Remember the courts priority is the safety and well being of the children, don’t forget that your emphasis needs to be on your children rather than the wrong doings of your ex.
All the best
I went to my fact finding today. I guess it was a bittersweet tactical victory. Both me and my barrister wanted to do the fact find and pretty confident we would win but aware it could make the children's proceedings FUBAR if it went wrong.
He managed to strike a non admittance++ deal. If I surrender the tenancy of my house to the ex, she would drop her claims of 4 years of rape, DV, ect, ect, which she agreed to in a heartbeat (not suspious at all...) And that her allegations will have no effect at all on children's proceedings ect or be used else where ever again.
Surpisely the false allegation he was most worried about was that my ex said I insulted her in front of the children for all the relationship. He said how can anyone prove it? It's a 50/50 coin toss for the judge and would [censored] me if I lossed it and had findings. He managed to get it changed that we both insulted each other in front of the children. With no admittance from me.
He also managed to get the prohibited steps order swapped from the [censored] offender and put directly on the ex, so she would be in trouble if she went near him and more likely to put her off from doing so.
He was a fantastic junior barrister. He told me its obvious shes a nasty scammer and im a muppet for loving her but we cant choose who we love as he painfully knows.
Part of me wishes I took the chance, that the ex faced punishment for her lies and painful I lost my castle. I start the children's proceedings with a clean slate however and get both boys for Christmas. Will be the first time I seen them together for 6 months.
There’s a lot of positives to be taken from your hearing, not least that you have a good barrister that is obviously on the ball and you get to see your boys for Christmas... that’s a result in my book.
Court is about compromise and moving forward, you’ve managed both... well done.
All the best
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- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
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