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Interim Contact Ord...
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[Solved] Interim Contact Order - the odds ?

Posts: 3
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi there

Brief history:

- ex has denied contact of our 8 year old 4 times now, i.e. 4 periods of non-contact, sometimes lasting years.
- until the most recent break (7 weeks ago) I was seeing child every 2 weeks, in total >52 nights overnight access in the last 12 months, that was for a period of over 3 years. Took her abroad 3 times, no issues with contact ever reported back to me, child happy to be with me, etc etc
- No explanation ever given for breaks in contact
- I am also the only conduit for child to see their family. Ex has no family - child has (half) siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc etc all of whom she sees through me
- mother has not responded to solicitors letter, refused mediation (or rather, didn't respond to request)
- I have no convictions, issues with social services etc. Some issues with me and the mother before child was born, but that's obviously years ago.

Making C100 application this weekend. Intend to ask for interim access order.

Given what's been stated above, how "guaranteed" am I to get interim access ?

Would I get it if the mother doesn't attend court ?

Many thanks

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As far as I am aware, if mediation has been attempted with no success, you will have to submit a c100 from. Your ex cannot ignore this, I am sure if she fails to attend, she can be arrested.

At this point, you may find accusations will start and then cafcass etc will have to be involved. Its a massive ball ache and can take a while, but it has to be done as the women hold the power.

Posts: 289
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Joined: 6 years ago

Depends purely on what your ex makes up in response to your application . I had continued contact for the last few year no issues . Then I applied when she started playing up and Ex made up all sorts to cafcass . They said no contact in light of the exes B.S. i argued against cafcass told them I had good contact for the last few years , had the kids for a week I half term shortly before the hearing and there haven’t been any issues . They sided with me and said the sudden stop in contact with the kids would do them more harm than good and considering the contact that I had it should continue . Moral of the story : expect Ex to lie , cafcass to side with them / err on the side of caution and you have to show to court you’ve had plenty of unsupervised ok going contact with no issues and that suddenly stopping it would be detrimental for the kids


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