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Interim contact arr...
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[Solved] Interim contact arrangements

Estimable Member Registered


I am due in court next Wednesday for directions hearing following section 7 report for my 8 year old son
The Cafcass report said i should have half of school holidays and birthdays/Christmas/ Easter should be alternated alternated. Cafcass also suggested i should have contact every other week from Friday, school pick up until Monday morning, school drop off.

Now, for some background- on 29/11 my NMO was completely discharged when sons mum refused to give evidence, as i had her banged to rights with police disclosures, forgery,etc..i had not seen my son for nearly 7 months until last weekend. On the first weekend of interim contact following NMO discharge my son was not taken to see me and my sons mum did not answer 2 texts asking if he was coming...her solicitor contacted me on the Monday afternoon saying my son did not want to go. if that was so she would have responded to texts.last Saturday I was then able to pick him up for the first time on Saturday for a wonderful weekend together.. I had already emailed the judge who promptly replied last week and just told me to adhere to rest of interim contact.
My sons mum has also just received a interview under caution from education welfare officer due to my son and her other daughter "being persistently absent". I am also due to ask for a hair strand test as i am sure she is using heroin and has been for a while. She is currently on a heroin prescription since my son was placed on the child protection resister in 2016 and social services ended support in August 2017 and she went straight back to using. I made 2 safeguarding alerts that were dismissed in June this year and she got an NMO out preventing me from seeing my son... anyway we are where we are now and she is self destructing yet again. I also made a formal complaint to Cafcass as they missed out child protection information from 2016/2017 and only included reports from 2015. i am described as a protective factor and it states i have contact every weekend and one day a week.Cafcass are now looking to half that whilst she has been given a warning from education welfare team. My son told cfcass he asked to see me but his mum said if he did he could never come back to her...he also called me from the school office crying which is again in report. Not quite sure how much independent evidence i need as i have streams of it. However cafcass said my son said he did not want to see me so it needed to be every other week....

I want to ask for every weekend from Friday until Tuesday morning as i have always had him, to start in January when he is back at school.-what do people with more experience think of this please? my son has missed every homework for the last 6 months so i need to try and support him with this weekly otherwise he will completely dis engage with school.

Christmas-i want to ask for Christmas day pick up at mid day until Jan 1st giving her Xmas eve and Xmas morning-this has always been agreed for last 7 years-son is now 8 years old.

What do folks think i should ask for, as i want to go for the very high end and negotiate if needed? Bearing in mind the directions hearing is on the same day as school breaks up for Christmas so school pick ups will not start until January. i expect final hearing will not be until February at the earliest.

Thank you

Topic starter Posted : 12/12/2018 3:29 am
Noble Member Registered

Always ask for more and if needed come down to what you'd actually accept.

in my opinion if she is in fact using drugs and as the childred are on SS child protection register then would change of residence not be a safer option for the children?

Posted : 12/12/2018 5:42 pm
Estimable Member Registered

Thanks dad-i-d, My son was on the child protection register last year after his mothers heroin use meant she stopped sending my son and her other daughter to school. During this process there were many multi agency meetings and she was linked into substance mis use agency and given heroin substitute prescription, that she is still on today. She was was stepped down to children in need which means there is less risk but they still have a social worker and multi agency meetings. Eventually social services stopped support as she was engaging and children were going to school. Immediately after they stopped support she disengaged from support with substance mis use agency, although still getting a prescription from chemist but there was no accountability or tests. She told me she was using heroin again so I made 2 safeguarding alerts after she did not listen to me about sending children to school.(this was 2 months after she told me so I gave her every opportunity) She then got an NMO out on me in July 2018 and stopped me seeing my son for 7 months(from may 20th), until fact finding when NMO was discharged when she did not give any evidence. During this period my sons attendance is at 84% on last school report which is persistently absent. the Cafcass report states it is at 93% and this was when I was taking him to school all week but they did not listen to this. They are only seeing the spike in poor absence now as attendance reporting is only just capturing this. I cannot make another safeguarding alert as it would seem malicious.. they disregarded my last 2 alerts saying we needed to try mediation..i have emails trying mediation in 2016.2017 and 2018. they just did not want to open up case again...
I am meeting the school on Friday morning who have escalated concerns to education welfare team, who have in turn given her an action plan and given her an interview under caution.
this is getting worse and worse but Cafcass have recommended contact every other week-from contact every weekend and one day a week-its ridiculous.
I will ask for a hair strand test and she will be found positive for heroin but not even sure if that makes any difference..
I will ask the school again on Friday morning meeting if they are thinking of escalating to children's social services. They are being very supportive with me so we will see. Maybe I will know more on Friday. On the last contact on Saturday, She could not even put any pants or vest/t shirt on my 8 year old who was embarrassed about it. Surely if you were involved in custody court case with safeguarding alerts you would do this unless there is something majorly wrong.

Topic starter Posted : 12/12/2018 7:09 pm
Estimable Member Registered

Hi all,

I had a meeting with my sons school today and they informed me that they had referred him and his step sister to children's social services. They now have a named social worker whom I have tried contacting today, with no luck...I would really appreciate what to do next with regard top asking for interim contact as my directions hearing following section 7 report is this Wednesday 19/12. Cafcass have suggested every other week contact which as I have said in other emails increases risk. The previous CIN plan talked about me being a protective factor and contact every weekend and one day a week. Cafcass did not look at any CIN or child protection register reports from social services in section 7...My son breaks up for Christmas on 19/12 which is the same day as court case so he will be out of school for 3 weeks and at more risk. Please can someone advise what would be a sensible move to safeguard my son and what to ask for with regards to contact. Can social services support me with regards to contact over Christmas and until contested hearing, possibly in February.... Should I ask them to write a letter for court?

Topic starter Posted : 14/12/2018 3:22 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

You should be given the opportunity to speak at the hearing, I would suggest that you write down the list of concerns you have, as you’ve done here, in bullet point format and refer to it when speaking, ticking each point off as you deal with it.

A brief position statement would also be useful, giving info about the most recent developments. The school might provide you with a letter stating the recent developments, you could refer to that and tell the court you have it with you and ask permission to file it. Make the correlation between attendance and drug use.

As far as interim contact, make the point strongly that you are recognised as the protective factor in his life and that the recommendations to halve contact would be detrimental to his education and well being more generally.

Ask the court to consider pick up and drop off for over the school holidays, perhaps suggesting meeting in a public place close by. Speak to Social Service to see if they could provide a link for hand overs.

I’ll pm you.

Posted : 14/12/2018 6:23 pm
Estimable Member Registered

Thank you Mojo

Topic starter Posted : 15/12/2018 2:26 am

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