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How many more hoops...
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[Solved] How many more hoops to jump through?

Famed Member Registered

Just got my 3rd Negative drug test through, nearly finished my parenting course and contact has been going great, review hearing is next week, I hope that's the last of the hoops I have to jump through as I'm going to be really struggling to pay any more drug tests and get more time off work I really am coming to the end of the road with it all and I've had enough this all has been going on for to long, I've done every thing the court has requested and handed in my 7 court bundles, surely thats it????

Topic starter Posted : 04/11/2014 7:29 pm
Honorable Member Registered

I think you have done everything that has been reasonably asked of you so far. I would think that 3 drug tests will be enough to satisfy the courts you don't take that kind of thing anymore. So as far as that is concerned, should not be an issue anymore. It is one less piece of ammunition your ex has to use against you.

You will be completing a parenting course, which on the face of it, shows you have made the effort to take the role of parent seriously. Again it's one less thing your ex can use against you.

On the whole it ticks all the boxes cafcass and he courts wanted ticking. So you have effectively tipped the odds in your favour.

This whole system is about jumping through hoops. But it really is just a means to an end. You are coming to the end of the supervised phase of contact, in which things have gone well with your daughter. You have done all the things asked of you in order to take the step towards getting PR. So while you appear to be reasonable and proactive in getting things done in a child focused way, can the same be said about your ex? It will be noticed by the court if is she is not.

As for this hearing you have coming up, I'm sure you have drawn attention to the fact that contact should progress to unsupervised in line with cafcass recommendations. I'm sure you have highlighted that you should now be granted PR in line with cafcass recommendations.

The problem you face of course is your ex's resistance to unsupervised contact. Is she represented?

Posted : 04/11/2014 8:43 pm
Famed Member Registered

Thanks Simon that's put things into perspective for sure, Her sister has primed her and told her I have been decking my house out for my Girl to come and stay, she has actually been promoting contact but that may just be a face for the contact centre I think the court will talk her into it again but we shall see, I've done exactly as you've just suggested and requested PR be granted and that contact should move to twice a week out the contact centre as recommended by cafcass.

The ex is not represented either so thats all good, I simply ca't afford anymore drug tests and i've pushed it as far as I can at work as I've been told they can't help me out anymore as having to attend my parenting course one afternoon has had serious effects on the business it's caused alsorts of issues as I'm a mobile service engineer ond I have to follow the scheduled PDA system everyday if I have to have more time off I will be looking for a new job and this is even before I can actually be a father so I don't know how understanding they will be in the future.

Topic starter Posted : 04/11/2014 9:10 pm
Famed Member Registered

Oh the ex had to do a freedom course as recommended by cafcass to get over the amount of DV in our relationship which is just a complete joke she has told her sister she has no intention of doing it and lied in court the last time we went saying she had enrolled on it and she requested that she doesnt give me proof that she has attended as the court directed to go in my bundle as she said it's to personal for me to see the court accepted this and said they would like to see proof themselves next week.

There isn't actually one piece of evidence from her in the bundle as she hasn't produced any I still don't know what the reasons are that she has stopped contact it's all hear say she didnt even reply to the initial c100 it's comical

Topic starter Posted : 04/11/2014 9:23 pm

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