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How do you take a J...
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[Solved] How do you take a Judge to court

Posts: 4
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(@Top Cat)
Active Member
Joined: 13 years ago

Hi all,

Ex wife and I have been representing ourselves in a contact case for 1 year, the case has been running for 2.5 years. We have 3 children under the age of 10 years old.

I have asked several previous judges to reserve the case to them but they are all reluctant to grant any of my requests however, several hearings and several judges later this particular Judge decided to grant my long awaited wish.

Due to my previous court room experiences I thought it would be wise to start collecting all the transcripts of the hearings. By the second hearing and third hearing my transcripts paid dividend.

I used my transcripts as major exhibits on the following hearings. The transcripts highlighted to the Judge what he said in the previous hearing and the penalty he would order against the mother (ex wife) if she did not carry out said instructions.
As you can guess, the judge did not carry out his said penalties and did not penalise the mother in any form. (Anyone with experience in family law would confirm to you the judges behaviour/actions in this case is quite typical and to be expected)

I have a catalogue of the above examples on this particular judge. It came to a point where this judge said
“I refuse to read your evidence, I do not require your evidence /exhibits to make a judgment”.

Is this acceptable in English court of law?
Do judges have a code of conduct they have to abide by?
Is there any way I can bring this judge to justice?

Transcript evidence proves the judge continually contradicts himself and has no direction or moral compass. In addition to this the mother finds it hilarious as she knows the judge will contradict himself with the feeblest of excuses then, make excuses for her and panda to her in every way possible.

Do I have to accept this is the way it is therefore, stop shedding out thousands of pounds on transcripts?

Comments, help, and direction on this matter would be appreciated.

Many thanks Top Cat.

3 Replies
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Illustrious Member
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You really need specialist advice on this as the only two options I can think of are to appeal or to complain to the bar council. The problem in either case is that if you lose, not only will you have your legal fees to pay, but that of the opposing side and that could run to figures you really don't want to think of. You also have the initial problem of finding a lawyer who would take on the case, it could be professional suicide for them if they lose.

You could have a word with your MP initially to see if they can help.

Joined: 14 years ago

Honorable Member
Posts: 510

Hi there,

Its very difficult to take a Judge to Court in all honesty.

Can i just ask is this case coming to a "head" so to speak, and also is this case your attempts to have contact enforced as Mum isn't complying?

You can appeal a decision using an N161 form from the website. Its always worth while that you write to the Clerk Justice at your local Court and highlight in the letter that you feel that the decision made was done so without the evidence being seen, this was refused to be used by the Judge.

Hope that helps a little.

Note: Its worth remembering it won't be in your long term interests to openly attack the Judge on his/her decision, however trying to re-open the dialogue is far more effective.

(@Top Cat)
Joined: 13 years ago

Active Member
Posts: 4

Thank you for your replies, Actd and Yoji.

Actd: I would be representing myself however losing and paying costs is off putting hence, I have to accept this is the way it is therefore, stop shedding out thousands of pounds on transcripts? Funny thing is would a Judge not want to represent himself lol.
Having a word with my MP, I will pursue!

However, Transcripts and your personal diary are good to show the kids when they are older, that’s if they want to read it.

Yoji.: Your Note, I agree with: I am talking from experience I did attack him big time I said to him " You, SS and Cafcass are all corrupt and I will prove it as I have all of you recorded one way or another, I will have all your jobs If you continue pushing me"

Brings me to your next point, Is it coming to a head: My above attack was due to the judge betraying me by letting me down,
Result was: from default contact to 'zero suspended contact' however a GAL has been appointed, something I asked for a year ago.

I have heard positive things about GAL's. What have you guy's heard about GAL's.

Maybe I will start a thread on GAL's.......................


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