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[Solved] Holidays

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I want to take my kids abroad and the ex wont get passports, i have offered to pay. My question is although i dont have custardy of the kids can i get passports for them ?

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Noble Member
Posts: 1072

As far as I know either of you can apply for passports I don't think you need 2 signatures on the forum though they. May be wrong.

Has she any problem with them going abroad with you?


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I think she just wants to make my life more difficult this is the second year she has stopped me taking the kids abroad but i was under the impression that i couldn't get the passports


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Illustrious Member
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Is there any residence order or contact order in place at the moment? Also, do you have PR?

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I have the kids every other weekend and 2 weeks that are to be agreed. whats a PR?, i have no problem with weekends that i am down for and i will get them for a week in the summer holidays. the pain is she wont let me take them abroad, its a power thing with her as she always needs to be in control .

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Illustrious Member
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PR is parental responsibility - are you named on the birth certificate?

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Yes i am named on their certificates

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Honorable Member
Posts: 510

Hi Leinad,

If you have PR you are entitled to make an application. Equally, if you like you can also request that the passport be sent to your home address.

To be clear, i know from experience, your ex cannot block the passport being issued. She may contest as to where it goes (home addresses etc) but if you tell the IPS that you are the person who has made the payment, completed the forms you want your entitlement to have the Passport sent to you upheld.

They normally then will not have a problem.

Hi actd and all. Should be back in full swing soon.

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wooohoo yoji, you've been missed 🙂

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taking all the advice in and thinking of where to go next, written to the school first yesterday and seeing how she reacts before i do the passport, if i do get them she can play games with the dates and change at the last which she has already done with a few days in london
dont think you can get your money back due to an ex


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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

To be clear, i know from experience, your ex cannot block the passport being issued. She may contest as to where it goes (home addresses etc) but if you tell the IPS that you are the person who has made the payment, completed the forms you want your entitlement to have the Passport sent to you upheld.

They normally then will not have a problem.

Is that necessarily the case - when I got residence for my daughters, I wrote to the passport office requesting that they did not issue a passport for my daughter to my ex - I believe the instruction remains valid for a year. It has been a few years since I did this though.


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