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[Solved] Help Please

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Hi, hope someone can offer some advice.

On Friday afternoon I got home from work, and when I got home my wife and 2 young boys where not there, i checked a few things and discovered some of the boys clothes where gone and baby milk etc.

I soon figured out she was heading to her mothers house which is 400 miles away from us. I have spoken to her and she is saing she might be back in a week/month/year if at all.

Her mother is banned by social services from seeing her other grandkids and her house is a health hazard for my 2 young boys and I want to get them out of there as soon as possible. What are my options as they are registered in Scotland, born in Scotland and now in England.

Should I contact my local police station and explain to them to see if they can help as I also believe that my wife is mentally unstable at the moment and the slightest thing is setting her off.

Any help or advice.



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Posts: 1072

Hi There,

If your mother in law is known to social services then It would be worth flagging this with them also and asking them to drop by.

The only down side to this is it is lickely to add fuel to the fire as to your partner leaving and reduce the chances of her coming back.

Did your partner give any indication as to why she has left?


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Posts: 4

Hi Darren,

Thanks for responding, no there was no indication of why she left, but she phoned me last night and she is like Jackyl and Hyde and really suspect there are some mental health issues going on that she needs help with.

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Well i went to my local social services office and they are now in contact with the social services office as to where she is and they are requesting an un-announced home visit with the view of removing my boys from the house and returning them to me. Also they are going to find out if I can turn up unannounced and take the children away from there.

So hopefully I will get my boys back soon

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Posts: 1072

Well keep us posted

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Will do, Social Services said they would be in touch with me today at some point, so fingers crossed it is good news.

(@Super Mario)
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Noble Member
Posts: 1621

Sounds positive - good luck with it

I would be careful turning up unannounced as your wife will play that against you and more importantly a good lawyer will turn you into some monster

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Illustrious Member
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I would add to SM's advice - under no circumstances turn up unannounced UNLESS you have the police or social services accompanying you - in which case you will be covered, but if that happens, do not get drawn into an argument by your ex. If you think you'll get your children back, take legal advice on changing the locks on your house and then go for residence as soon as you get them back (have the forms filled out ready). If your ex turns up, call the police and they can remove her and if necessary, caution her for breach of the peace - again, don't get into an argument with her.


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