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Help! In a huge mes...
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[Solved] Help! In a huge mess. In need of Some Advice.

Posts: 2
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Joined: 12 years ago

In February i met someone who had been seperated from her husband for 3 months. She fell pregnant in May to me. Now shes 23 weeks pregnant. The thing is she left me and went back to her husband last month. Im overjoyed to be a dad again above all else even though the situation is an absolute mess. I have been to the scans and she said she wants me to be the father of this baby, she also said she will put my name on the birth certificate. I just want to know where i stand, does her being married cause any complications legally to my parental rights?
Please help thanks.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Hi there,

I wouldn't think this would have any effect on your parental rights, especially if you are named on the birth certificate. It seems she is genuine as you are the one attending the scans, so fingers crossed this continues. Once the baby is born and you are the named father you will automatically have parental responsibility.

If she doesnt put you on the birth certificate you can still apply for parental responsibility to the courts.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I agree with nannyJane - at the moment, I would see how it goes. Hopefully you can come to an arrangement that suits all of you.

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Noble Member
Posts: 1072

Congratulations on your fourthcoming baby.

As has been said hang on in there for the moment, as long as your named on the birth cert then all will be ok with regards to responsilities.


Joined: 12 years ago

New Member
Posts: 2

Thanks folks for the reassurance and ifo, tough times ahead :unsure:


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