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[Solved] Hello with break up please

Posts: 2
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Joined: 12 years ago

Hello all
I'm new to the site and am looking for any help or information that could assist with my recent / ongoing split with my partner.

So.. a bit of back ground info may be in order.I have been with my partner for twenty years we are not married .We have two children and a 3 bed semi house .She's cheated and we are in the early days of a split.The kids want to stay with me ,they are 11 and 15.I really could do with any advice concerning where I stand with kids ,house ,money etc.Anything appreciated !

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890


At the age you kids are, I'd say that there is every chance they can stay with you - a court is going to take a lot of consideration of the views of a 15 year old (in fact, at 16, they wouldn't need to make an order) and they would much prefer to leave the children together, as well as the fact that at 11, they would take some consideration of their views as well. That means that you have a better chance of keeping a larger proportion of the house as you will be providing a home for the children, and your ex would also be liable for maintenance for your children. You need to speak to a divorce lawyer (I know you're not married) regarding the property, but if you have any further questions in respect of residence, post them in the legal eagle section and we'll give what advice we can.

Joined: 12 years ago

New Member
Posts: 2

Hi all
Thanks for the info.At the moment we are talking about an amicable split ,but I'm worried that will change when she gets advice.She's a legal secretary so I think I may get the s***y end of the stick.She says its ok for the kids to stay with me and we stay in the house.I think financially I may just be able to cover all the bills etc .I know she would have to pay some maintenance,but is there any other help I can get.I have never really dealt with bills and stuff before it was all done by her .

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Well, you'll get the child benefit, and there may be child tax credits. It may be worth not mentioning maintenance for the moment until it's all settled, and then I'd look at a family based arrangement rather than use the CSA if you can help it as it sounds like keeping it amicable could be worthwhile.

(@Super Mario)
Joined: 16 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 1621

Hi there

Welcome to the site

Is the relationship definitely over or there are chance of any kind of reconciliation? I guess not

I guess that you would want to keep the kids in the same school especially as the eldest will be doing GCSEs - how are they coping with it all?


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