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Has any dads won a residency order battle?

New Member Registered


so me and my ex are at in court with both filing for a residency order.

So story basically is we broke up in January because she threatened to stab my child and said she didn’t want to be her mother anymore and said she was a spoilt [censored]. Social services are involved and they more or less said I was in a coercive relationship. She resides with me in my mums house full time my daughter and the mum gets contact 3 times a week. 

she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, has serious mental health issues (despite being cleared by a mental health team) and has a poor background from were she originally comes from which involves social services heavily and not a great area to live. 

has anyone had to do a similar case in court like this? I feel deep down the courts will grant her residency because she is the mother and not really take any of the serious points into the mix and that’s what seriously worries me. 

Hope I tried to word it best I can sorry

Topic starter Posted : 20/08/2024 4:15 pm
Illustrious Member


I have been helping a dad in a similar situation. He's primary carer for child as mother has serious issues with mental health and behaviour. The courts were very keen to give her 50/50. This happened. But this fell apart within a few short weeks as she relapsed. Now court have removed 50/50 and dad is full time carer again.

Posted : 20/08/2024 4:47 pm

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