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Harassment accusati...
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[Solved] Harassment accusation and other stuff

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I'd like some information from others who have experienced a similar situation to what I am facing right now.

I had police raid my house the other day looking for me, I wasn't there as I am away for the holidays. A relative spoke to one of the officers and the officer told her that I was going to be arrested for harassment by text message.

Me and my ex partner have a 4 year old son together. We broke up December 2017. After the break up my ex partner made numerous allegations of domestic violence against me, all of these were thrown out. I began the family court process and within 2 weeks of beginning the process I was served with a non molestation order that had been made in an 'emergency'. I managed to get the non molestation order thrown out and the judge ordered us to sign a cross undertaking. As the court case moved forward more and more allegations were made, not to the police but to the family court. I was accused of everything from sexual abuse to financial abuse, so a finding of fact hearing was scheduled. On the day of the fact finding hearing I presented video evidence of my ex smashing my property and going insane in front of our child, as a result my ex decided not to go through with the finding of fact hearing.

About a month later October 2018 I found myself back in a relationship with the woman who had put me through [censored] and forced me through a contact centre for 5 months. Very big mistake. She agreed to go court on her own for the final hearing and inform them that we were back in a relationship which she didn't do. As a result a contact order was made in my absence for 7 hours per fortnight.

In July 2019 the relationship broke down again after my ex partner assaulted me. The police turned up after a neighbour had called them and my ex claimed I strangled her. I was arrested and bailed for 2 months until the case was eventually dropped.

My ex began doing hand-overs instead of her mother after the bail conditions were dropped. On one occasion she told me she loved me and "probably always will" she also told Mr that if I want to spend more time with my son I would have to talk about it with her whilst my son isn't listening. So I sent text messages to her asking to see my son, I also sent pictures of my son to her, baby photos as well as recent pictures. I made no threats, no vulgar language, I was not demanding or attempting to intimidate her, no talk of violence or [censored] and no attempts to rekindle out relationship. Over the course of a month I sent around 50 messages and received nothing back so I sent one last message and made it clear it would be my last message. I must also add that during this period we were still doing handovers and she was still flirting with me and even laughed with me about a couple of the pictures I sent.

A week after the last message was sent my ex made a report of harassment to police. 2 months later here I am with a warrant out for my arrest for harassment.

I would like to know if simply asking to increase contact with my son and sending pictures of him amounts to harassment. If it does it's actually quite shocking. No parent should be treated like a criminal for actively trying to increase contact with their child by being assertive and reasonable, family court is supposed to be a last option not the default.

After failed attempts at doing things civilly with the ex I decided the only option was court again. So I started a court case and had the first hearing on 10th December. My ex made the same allegations against me as she made the first time we went to court, the ones she decided to drop on the day of the fact finding hearing, as a result of these allegations the judge ordered me to go through a contact centre AGAIN despite there being absolutely no safeguarding concerns between myself and my son. My ex lied through her teeth and even claimed that we never got back into a relationship and the only reason I was at her property on the day we broke up was because she got me round to "comfort my son" despite our whatsapp conversation telling a complete different story (sending me sexy selfies and having having banter with me).

It seems like the family court judge has no real authority and simply does whatever my ex wants. I'd like to know if anybody else has had a finding of fact hearing dropped by the accusing party only for them to be allowed to use the same allegations again. My worry is that she can drop the case again and then pick it back up in order to disrupt my relationship with my son and restrict contact. It almost seems as if the police, family court system and child authorities exist as a weapon which my ex can continually use to sustain a campaign of psychological and emotional abuse against me using the full force of systems that are designed to protect people.

If anybody can help that would be appreciated. I've been through the family court alone against my ex who had a full legal team as she was entitled to legal aid because of a non molestation order which was thrown out so if anybody has any questions on the process I am more than willing to help.


3 Replies
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I can't really see that the police would take any action once they've seen the text messages you have sent - I would possibly seek legal advice asap on this, and my instinct (could be wrong though) would be to present yourself at the police station as soon as you get back.

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so have you been arrested? what have the police said about this?

harrasment does not have to be threatening. harrasment could be sending 20 messages over 1 or 2 days, and/or if the other person let you know that they don't want to receive these messages etc. a person may say they feel harassed if you only send them very few messages. i only faced an extreme case, where someone with mental health issues sent me like 70 messages in space of an hour. full of death threats lol. they definitely got arrested for that.

Posts: 289
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Precisely . Even if what you’re saying is reasonable if the other person says it’s unwanted it opens you up to accusations. Eg I was outside my exes house waiting for the police . She called me whilst I was outside and I said waiting for the police . I asked them if it was ok for me to be outside . Turns out she told them I was hanging about and she felt threatened even tho I told her and the police . I got a cal from the olive anout that ...


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