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First hearing have ...
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[Solved] First hearing have a read

Posts: 81
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So monday i had first hearing....and so the judge ordered a section seven report ....ex made false new allergations which are full blown lies ..ex has no proof and made one or two serious allergation up saying i hit her and she suffered abuse..shes had 11 years to bring these so called events up and now in 3rd application in 11 years brings it up now in attemp to get non molestation order however after speaking to close friends and reading up she can try get one but as there is no evidence or police logs and no type of evidence i think she will fail if she tried to get one .the judge ordered the same bloke cafcass office man who done the previous section seven report .to do like an adendum to bring the court upto date with stuff .which im abit annoyed about cause i complained about him because he was unprofessional and had little knowledge about parent alienation however i made the judge aware and judge said this should not effect his judgement on case however if i feel it does and if im not treated fair i can speak to judge and will get my chance to question cafcass if they [censored] up .the judge said because i ended proceddings it might have had an impact on child ..however i find it hard to believe when this when they say nothink when ex stops contact and i have a report that says she had no right to stop it and is doing untold damage to child ...however im in a postion now where im just going to say to the cafcass officer can we just wipe the slate clean and just start again in regard to me complaining am sure if he is a proffesional and am straight up with him he will be ok ...only thing i wish i could do is record my interview i dont know if i can or not because i dont want my words being twisted.but then again i dont want them to think am trying to cause an issue and think am paranoid or something ..really hope they see through exs lies which i believe they will because the psychologist said in last report that i had told him ex makes up.lies on top of other lies ..and also the fact she has no evidence at all my word against her word is a weak in terms of the bullshit shes saying now ...also judge dropped a pretty big hint that he did not believe her...but its all on cafcass now so this time im not chasing cafcasd am taking a step back and forgetting about all this and enjoying my wedding anniversary with wife in france .no negative comnents please just solid advice guys if any thanks again stay positive guys im in [censored] position but you have to keep going

2 Replies
Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi there and happy anniversary!

I think you’ve got the right attitude towards the CAFCASS officer, draw a line and see if you can’t develop a better relationship with him.

As far as recording the interviews, I think it would be a good idea to ask for this. Check out the Transparency Project and use it to put your case for interviews to be recorded, it protects both of you. I’ll link you to the article.

All the best

Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

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