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First family court ...
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[Solved] First family court hearing and only a legal advisor present

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(@Lilith 13)
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi, new here so I hope I've not put this in the wrong place, I'm absolutely astounded at what has just happened and I'm looking for advice. Thanks in advance.

Since mediation failing epically I have been hoping that getting to court would mean I get to have a say. However when we got there, it was in an office with only a legal advisor who had no power to do anything unless we agreed! Obviously nothing was agreed, no interim contact or indirect contact and so after 10 minutes it was sent to another hearing in 3 months! I was expecting (after reading many 'what to expect at your first hearing' posts) to have a judge or magistrates there. So far I've spoken to CAFCASS for 18 minutes on two separate occasions - 10 minutes at court and an 8 minute phonecall during which I was told NOT to go into detail. I feel really let down by the process, there are no safeguarding concerns.

Is this a common occurrence? It seems crazy to have paid for a court hearing and travel for 300 miles for what was essentially another mediation session.

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were you represented by a lawyer?

sounds quite odd. at my first hearing, was huge room, a judge, legal adviser and admin person. ex refused and her barrister refused to grant overnight contact. i had barrister. we did get an interim order for my baby daughter as i never really got to see her since she was born. and they said in time for next hearing, it will be section 7 report/outcomes.

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This was my experience too. Haven’t had the same thing since that first one though.

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Same for me I was in with a judge and the respondent mother I got a interim residency order granted and a section 7 request to social services and a request for phyc eval awarded but that was 6 years

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Which court did you attend?

It varies from court to court how they conduct a first hearing. Some do it with legal advisers, others with magistrates or a judge. In any case, unless you agree at the first hearing, another will have to be listed.

I am surprised you now have to wait 3 months though. It should usually be another 6 to 8 weeks.

Were they able to order any statements or reports to be filed with court during the 3 months?


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