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First day in court.
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[Solved] First day in court.

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Couldnt get supervised,but we got supported.whats the diffrence? i missed out a lot,judge said she didnt need to know too much yet.Has to send statement to court why baby should carry on living with me.She has now requested an intremine emergency order,(why didnt they do this in december)The solicitor is trying to say i refused to give baby back to his mum.Yet baby have been registered at our doctors since before the split.She did try and change it to her doctors a few weeks go,but our health visitor told us so we changed it back again.will i be able to ask them for police checks and mental health report at the next hearing?Does anyone know how long it takes for them to set up supported access at a contact centre?Who takes him and i worry because he doesnt know her.i should have said this in court.but its hard when you have to speak to the judge.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

You did well, try not to worry about the things you didnt get to will and the next hearing should be more focused, the Judge ssaid as much I think.

Is the statement the Judge has asked you for called a Position Statement? If it is there is a format that needs to be followed and we can help you with that. Hopefully though your Legal Aid will come through soon and the solicitor will be able to help with that and he will take charge the next time you are at court and he will ask for the reports I'm sure. Why dont you phone him and bring him up to date with what happened in Court and press him to get on to the Legal aid people to chase up your application. Ask him for their contact number and phone them yourself, I know one of the Dads on here did that and he got them to hurry it up. Tell them about Emergency Order that the Judge has ordered, anything to get them to move more quickly!

You say the judge has ordered an Emergency Order, did the court give you any indication of when this might happen....they can happen in days so be prepared!

I think it might be a good idea to start writing down what happened leading up to your break up from the mother and all her problems, including the lack of bonding with the baby. Write about the threats you have received and the total lack of contact from the mother since the baby has been with you. This will hewlp to get what has happened in the right order and will help you to remember things that have slipped your mind.

Try speaking to the Health Visitor and ask her if she can give you written confirmation of the mother trying to change the babys doctor and when that was..

I've given you a link to the Contact Centres website on your other post, you'll find information on there that might answer your questions. Theres a telephone helpline too that you can call. Heres the link again

It might help you feel better if you take control of the arrangements for contact and I'm quite sure that you can do that. You can find out about the set up and talk to them about the fact that the baby doesnt know the mother and if you can be there too. I dont think they will be able to attend in a big group like they did at court, you can ask that the mother attend alone....Anyway if you call they will be able to answer all of the questions you have about it. 🙂

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Posts: 37

we go back to court on the 21 social worker has to write a report.They asked for drug test i asked fo drink and drugs,i asked for health visitor report,to prove we were not living in filth,her solicitor got it wrong he said the police had been called out to me on 2 occations,she had to say this was untrue,so i dont think he was up to spec,have rang contact centre,they were very good going to see them and explain things b 4 there any contact.One problem,the man who has been to the house and we had to call the police,he is now the babys mothers carer,i dont want him anywhere near baby.what can i do?Cant understand why hes her carer when the mother has given up work??and this guy doesnt live with them,why not the mother as carer?Cant expect u to answer all these ? nanny jane,just thinking aloud.have booked to see solicitor on tuesday.They are all mega busy,to do with the legal aid finishing.They seem to be building their case around me taking baby and not giving him back.Although he spent very little tme with them.And surly its 50 50 access till court decides .ai dont how can she can care for a baby when she needs a carer for herself.Havent slept 4 2 nights,but feel far less stressed.thank you nanny jane.

Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Thats great Ianandrew, you are managing really well! 🙂

As far as this man is concerned you might be able to get an injunction against him to keep him away from the baby. I would talk to the police about your concerns as they were involved with this man when he threatened you. Tell them what his relationship is with the mother and that you are worried that as her carer he will have access to the baby. Ask if you could have an injunction or something similar taken out against him to prevent him from having access. Tell them about the court case and the Emergency Order that the Judge has asked for. If they ask why it hasnt been a problem before now you can tell them that you only found this out a couple of days ago at court and you are really worried that because of his status he will have access to you and to the baby.

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Posts: 37

who do i address my letter to.when writing to the court for separate room?As i am writing to them also to complain about harassment.

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

May be worth giving the court a call first perhaps.


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