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First Appointment/F...
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First Appointment/First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment

Posts: 11
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Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago

Hello everyone,

I have been given today a date for a Dispute Resolution Hearing. 

My ex wife has accused me of domestic abuse during the relationship - an accusation only made AFTER I applied to the court for over night stays with my daughter which at the moment she denies with no substantial evidence to back up her claims.

I still see my daughter twice a week and I have done since we separated for 2 years ago but she believes that over night stays will put her in danger? Doesn't make any sense to me at all. 

Cafcass have noted safeguarding concerns but I was expecting this as I believe they would air on the side of caution due to the lies my ex wife would of told.


What can I expect from this hearing? Any advice would be great. Do. I need to prepare a bundle? I'm getting mixed information online. And also a position statment? I believe this may be best to have but not sure if I send copies to the court?


Thanks in advance. 

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Posts: 5429
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago


will this hearing be your first ever, or is it the 2nd one? take a look at your court paperwork and see if it asks you to prepare any statements. generally, if you are self-representing but your ex has a lawyer, court will expect them to prepare the bundle and pass onto you and court. if your both self-representing then court prepares bundle. I also went to court for overnight contact with child. I took a position statement to every hearing. you can email position statement to court before hearing. if your going in person then might be good idea to print 4-5 copies of it and can hand them out to court, and your ex on the day.

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Posts: 11

@bill337 thanks for the reply.


It doesn't say to prepare a statement but it says that a bundle for the next hearing will be prepared by the Applicants solicitor. But I am self representing and when they say next hearing I am unsure if they are referring to the up and coming one in May or any hearing after that? If thay makes sense.

I think I will do a position statment anyway and send to the court and my ex solicitor just so it looks like I am prepared?

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Eminent Member
Posts: 11

Also how did your case go? 

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5429

@jonevs89 was pretty straightforward. first time round I wanted overnight contact and they gave it. 2nd court application was to vary order for kids to spend more time with me. was good, they gave what I asked for and also made the 2nd hearing into a final one. 

Joined: 6 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5429

@jonevs89 most likely they are referring to the next hearing which they have given you a date for. yes I think you should take a position statement to every hearing, and update it as you need to. that way if you forget to say something important verbally, atleast it will be noted down on your statement and for them to see.

there is info and a template on writing position statement here


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