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Good to hear there are still good cafcass officers around - mine was excellent, but that was 15 years ago.
Hi Bill337,
Thanks for the reply, as it was said its good to know there are some good Cafcass officers still around.
For the DRA, do you think I should represent myself this time around, as for the contested hearing I had instructed a solicitors firm to do the court bundle and represent me in court, the fees were eye watering what i paid.
But they did manage to overturn the decision made by Cafcass, as long as I get accepted onto the DVPP course and pass the hair strand test. Or could something else arise? Which I am missing.
The court have also ordered the solicitors firm to do another bundle, for the DRA, again cost to me.
I could do the bundle myself using the previous one, with the extra evidence included???
Thanks for the advice.
with bundles, my ex was fully represented by a solicitor. they knew i was not represented (but had barrister for each hearing), and they did a bundle for me. it was basically a zip file, with the c100 form originally used, along with exs position/witness statements, letter that she got legal aid. whatever forms,evidence was used in hearings so far. PDF's. ex solicitor emailed it to me.
how to produce bundle: https://www.advicenow.org.uk/articles/preparing-bundle-and-index
Hi All,
Its been since 8 months since i have submitted my C100 application, and a lot has happened.
Recent Update -
Alcohol misuse report for 3 months came back negative.
Self refer onto the (DVPP) Domestic Violence Perpetrators Course for harassment for non violence (went only to see my child). Cafcass did not want to know, after contested hearing, judge advised self referral.
Ex-partner has agreed in court Direct Access for my child upon acceptance and completing the DVPP course.
After initial assessment, and many court hearings awaiting my decision to access the course has been strange.
First was not accepted written confirmation was given, then verbal confirmation that was re-accessing my case.
Many attempts have been made to see where I stand, letters, emails, voicemails, even to higher management none have been replied to.
I am now looking into other alternatives of where this course is offered, lots of phone calls and emails sent and now another hearing is due shortly in court, where no feedback has been given from my initial assessment and looking in other areas.
I've tried many local alternatives which some accept self referrals some do not, others are too far away for me to attend.
I have done some research into some cases where court cases have taken along time, in turn having an effect on my child with me not being there bearing in mind the course is approx. 6 months and i submitted my self referral in 12/2019.
Also cases where it has gone to the Court of Appeal where the court has failed to provide alternatives, in terms of contact.
I am at a lost, can someone please provide there input, experiences of DVPP courses. Please note i have provided the court a genuine interest into me getting onto the DVPP course and chasing up managers for a decision by submitting evidence.
Do you have a solicitor? Also who has ordered you to do a DVPP course. did cafcass recommend this ? did the family court request you to do this?
Do you know what hearing you are at , have you had a final hearing yet?
An alcohol test being negative is without a court saying dismissing your ex as a liar. They don't use that term in family court. when you have a negative test they don't pull ex up you just tend to get more contact instead and treated more favourably
I did have a solicitor, but costs were too much.
The Court ordered the DVPP, Cafcass agreed but did not want to fund it.
In which i found out if its Court ordered then Cafcass should oversee and fund it. I did query this everyone is at a lost!!!
There has been no final hearing as of yet, but the Court does want to know if i have been accepted or refused onto the Course.
The hearing is shortly, and it will be another DRA.
Can you advise?
Hi in 1 post you say court have ordered it and then a post before you say it was advised you do it, You need to look at paperwork which you would of been sent after 1st hearing and read it carefully. If it has been ordered by court then you just say you are happy to do it and u want to see your children and unaware of the process what happens next.
If it has been advised by the court which is possible . this could then would lead cafcass not wanting to fund it. if this is the case I would under no circumstances be doing a DVPP course as you are basically telling the courts and your ex you are guilty of domestic violence .
if it was only advised I would instead enrol , self refer on to a parenting course possibly through barnados for example and say you heard the separated parenting programme may be useful as you very interested and feel every parent would find the 2 you mentioned very useful and there are always new things to learn
Hi Warwickshire1,
After reading your message, got going through my paper work, at the contested hearing with Cafcass it says.
'Upon the Court having considered the applicant father undergoing a DVPP course...'
'The applicant father shall refer himself to an approved DVPP to access suitability.
Please note i did have a solicitor at the time, and it was pointed out that there was no Fact Finding hearing, but before submitting my C100 application, I did plead guilty to harassment, with no trial.
I have contacted many Separated parents programs, as i have to self refer, just awaiting feedback, i have taken many online parenting courses through netmums.
My ex-partner has said many times direct access will be given, if i do the DVPP course and complete it and that is willing to co-parent.
Knowing how to proceed is difficult, without a solicitor.
Thanks, your help is appreciated.
so cafcass are not interested in funding/referring you. here is info for DVPP self-referalls
Hi Guys,
Update on what is happening with myself. (Been very long process many phone calls, emails to Court and DAPP provider due to COVID).
Note I had my first court hearing in August 2019. and have not seen my child.
CAFCASS advised in Section 7, DAPP Course and Alcohol testing. Mother has agreed Direct Access upon successful completion of the DAPP Course.
Managed to access a DAPP course, which was for harassment via letters (non violence and non verbally abusive)
Currently over halfway through the course and have received my Midway Report, at the same time my Child has now started Primary school in which I am in contact with the school regarding my Child's progress.
I recently asked the Court for Interim access, this time they have advised me to fill out a C2 application, and a directions hearing has been booked in at 3 months time.
My question is this, as I am filling out my C2 application can I request an interim contact order to see my child before the Directions hearing. (Asking for supervised in contact centre) As this will make my case going further, stronger for shared parenting 50/50, at the directions hearing, if it is granted.
I will also submit a Position statement with my C2 application to reflect what I want the Court to do.
Or alternatively wait and submit everything and wait until the Directions Hearing to discuss about contact.
Also is there anything else I should be doing pro-actively in terms of access to my child??
Thanks Guys your help is appreciated.
You could ask for interim contact with c2 application. Are you able to speak to cafcass and ask what their thoughts are for interim contact? Maybe they could support your application.
Hi Bill337,
Thanks for your reply.
I will email CAFCASS, with all the details I have, and wait until there input will be.
But if they want me to carry until the end of the DAPP course and wait until the hearing date, for contact I will have to notify the Court of this. As my section 7 reads badly.
What happens if they do not support? This was made clear in the Contested hearing and Section 7 report. As they were unwilling to fund DAPP course.
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