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Family Court

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Update:  are teacher training days part of the school holidays?  School term time suggests so.  So with 50% equal holidays I'm expecting then to be included. Guess what back to her old ways of you'll pick them up and I'll decide which week in the schedule.   I'm not fazed as I expected it though I am going to refer to the court. 


On another issue she's applying for collect and pay.  I've never missed a payment but reduced it via the calculator because if the 3+ shared care nights I "won" at the final court hearing.  Do I need to appeal this as well!!!?

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I would think of teacher training day as extension of school holiday. if your paying maintenance through CMS, then you would have to run the shared care overnights through them. ring/send them the court order using your self service account. they will update your account and send you a new payment plan. 

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@bill337 Thanks I thought the same.  I think the court case and the fact I "won" everything I wanted has soured her further to the point of anything to take some control - she has lost it all.  The other issue of requesting "collect and pay" is simply vicious though my experience of the CMS service is not good to-date and feels biased towards the mother.  I currently have a case with ICE and two appeals in since she contacted them in March 2021.  We fight the good fight but its now with the CMS as opposed to the Court.  Utterly and monstrously unfair but I am resilient.

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What a great story. Thanks for sharing this, it definitely gives me inspiration. I know the thread is a little old now, but would you mind me asking, at the first hearing when the court didn't agree to giving you contact, did they actually make an interim order to live with mum? - I'm just asking as I'm going through a very similar situation at the minute, in fact it's a dire situation that you probably would not beleive. I had an urgent directions hearing, the mum is very abusive and frankly dangerous, all of which quite easy to prove. No one asked the court for an interim order to live with mum, she already has our child and is preventing contact (he should actually live with me), but the court, with their infinite wisdom found it appropriate to issue an interim order to live with mum, despite it not being asked for, being completely unnecessary and opposed by me.

Would really love to hear your thoughts and compare experiences.

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@2ndclasscitizen2 Hello, Just wanted to suggest - is it possible for you to voice your concerns with someone involved with safeguarding at your sons school? Perhaps they will be able to assist you further. 

Kind Regards,

Fegans Parent Support. 

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@clarinet Hi and thanks for your suggestion. In terms of making sure he is safe, I've done as much as I can. It's honestly ridiculous to the point I think the everyday person who's never had any issues just wouldn't believe. So in terms of making sure he's safe, he's not at school age yet, but Social Services are involved - this is where I lose the will to live! So most people would breath a sigh of relief and think - well social services will surely be doing best by the child and taking safeguarding seriously.... wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They simply believe every word the mother tells them - a complete pack of lies. I have very clear evidence, video and audio, and not just from one incident, I have a complete catalogue of evidence which shows both the mother's allegations to be false, and also shows how she is the perpetrator of all the things they're "concerned about"... they are not interested. They say it's not their job to look at evidence, that's for the court.... which I can kind of understand but at the same time they're happy to deprive a child of time with a loving safe parent and through around the mother's allegations as if they're true.. sorry for the rant.. I just find the situation so obscene, how people would trust social services to do right but they honestly couldn't give a monkey's. Worst thing is you have to put up with the nonsense, you can't even complain because if you do social services pose it to the court as though you're argumentative and aggressive (I've seen this done in case law). It's absolutely pathetic. The country has no [censored]. Kid's are being harmed everyday by sexism of social services and the so called "family" court. Hopefully it's just a matter of time before the system sees sense.

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@2ndclasscitizen2 Hello, thanks for your reply. It must be so frustrating for you. Just keep on keeping a log of all your evidence as you have been doing. In regards to your child, perhaps make a memory box for your child, of things you would like to do together, activities etc, if you are unable to send cards to them at birthdays etc, then write them as normal and keep ready for when the time comes. They will then know and be reassured that through this difficult time you always thought about them. Also look after you too. If you have a trusted friend or family member you can talk with, then do. Or seek some counselling, talking therapy is very beneficial, as it allows you to speak freely and without judgement.

All the best.

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