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False allegations o...
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[Solved] False allegations of DV

Posts: 149
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Estimable Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi All

I married someone from Pakistan back in 2007, she arrived to live with me in Feb 2008 and by may 2008 was pregnant. by July she left the home and pleaded DV!! Police never charged me as not enough evidence but uqually would not take my side that she was lying just to get residency here.

Anyway she left, refused me all contact with my unborn child and everyone including social services took her word that she was beaten by me. I have never seen the child and this destroyed me emotionally and it has taken me 3yrs to build up the courage to take her to court for access. However both in the divorce papers aswel and in court she is pleading DV.

She has no evidence other than her own word and a statement from her aunt and uncle which shouldnt be permitted by the court as they are not independant, but being able to defend agains this is hard.

Any advice on showing in a fact finding hearing that she is making it up


5 Replies
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Reputable Member
Posts: 232

Unfortunately, as there are no witnesses, you cannot prove you didn't do it but equally she can't prove you did. As far as the police goes, it won't go anywhere, but I'm not sure about the other aspects.

Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

...I wonder if a lie detector test is admissable in court? ...If it is you could always pay to have one done and present it to the court...just a thought. I dont know of any other way to actually prove your innocence.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I don't believe the English legal system recognises lie detectors (personally I think this is a good thing as they can be beaten, I believe). Realistically, you are probably going to be looking at supervised contact for a period, but it's certainly a start - I would suggest this yourself to the court, but also draw up a schedule of how the supervision could be reduced - but it will be a slow process.

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Estimable Member
Posts: 149

Many thanks for the replies. This is true she can't prove it, althugh she did scam the system and went into womens aid housing claiming DV, claimed indefiante leave through DV, etc etc. Issue is Social Services and Police immediately took her side. Even after she assaulted me and I reported her to the police for false allegations they still took er side. Filled out something called a DOM 5 and nothing further happend.

I have only asked for short supervised contact to start with anyway, as I have never met my son so will be difficult for both of us.
ANy help on proposing a schedule, as I work 7 days on, 3 days off, 7 on and 4 off.
I also do not know if she works etc to put a proposal together other than supervised contact

Joined: 12 years ago

Estimable Member
Posts: 149

Happy and nervous yes, will be hard to see my son after 3.5yrs of never knowing him, just hoping the Courts see through her lies.
She even tried to say she bit me coz I was strangling her!! Thats physically impossible.


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