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Experiences with th...
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[Solved] Experiences with the courts - to see your children

Posts: 4
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Joined: 12 years ago


I am a law student and i am currenlty doing my dissertaion on rights for fathers to see their children. I would like to include fathers experiences in dealing with the courts or if they have came to an agreement (outwith c ourt) with the mother regarding seeing their children. I would be most grateful if anyone is willing to share there experiences with me.

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Joined: 14 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 1072

Hi there,

I have a rather long write up of my experience if you would like it?

I went through court (and am about too again) and decided to write out my experience, don't really know why other than to clear my head of all I went through.

If you private message (or write here) your email address i'll send it over


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Posts: 4


Yes that would be good. I am hoping that research like this can help influence a change.Sorry to hear your going through it again. My email address is


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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Hi Natalie

How many words is your dissertation? I have the feeling that with the experiences on here, you may have a lot of problems keeping it short enough 😆

My experience is that of getting residence, and that's seven years ago, so I don't know how recent you want the experiences to be.

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Eminent Member
Posts: 14


I don't know whether or not I would be able to help, as I am only just embarking on the court process, however i would be happy to provide details of my situation on an 'as and when it happens' sort of basis.

Good luck, with your dissertation.

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Posts: 4


My dissertation is 15,000 words. I am trying to get as many fathers expericences as i can and to get their take on it for exapmle the court process, effects it had, the outcome etc. I would be most grateful if you are willing to take the time to share your experience with me. You could private mail me or my email address is


Joined: 12 years ago

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Posts: 4


Yes i would be intested to know about your situation and most greaful if you could share your experince with me. You can private email me or send an email to



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