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Ex wants to up Chil...
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[Solved] Ex wants to up Child Suppot 300%

Posts: 3
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Joined: 13 years ago

Hi All,

I split with my ex 7 years ago. Since then I have paid child support each and every month.

Two years ago I got a cracking job with a cracking salary £5000 per month tax free.
Downside to this job is that I am now away 8 months of the year. I get 2 x 2 month stints at home.
During this time I am at home my daughter stays with me the whole time. I continue to pay child support for those four months even though my daughter is living with me.

Last year I got married and have two kids with my wife. My ex I believe is very jelous of this. I am not sure if its because she ended our relationship and I am now happily married where she is still single (shes had several relationships since we split) or if she actually would like me and her to try again. Either way I am not interested in her except where my daughter is concerned.

Based on my salary my ex is now demanding 15% of my salary (£600) per month. However I do not work for a UK company nor do I pay tax in the UK. I do not have a UK land based bank account either.

I work on a yacht which has a management company based in Monaco. I do not work for this management company however they do pay my salary on behalf of the yachts owner.
Her solicitor has informed Monaco is a participating country in Maintenance orders legislation with the UK. But as I said I do not work for the company based in Monaco I work for a company based in the Middle east.

What I would like to know is there a way that her solicitor can get legally enforce this £600 a month?
I would pay this for sure if I thought the money would get spent on my daughter but I know it wouldnt.

I emailed her solicitor asking him for all correspondance to be done via email as I work away and have no access to letters. yet he still sent a letter knowing I was out of the country threatening court action if I did not respond within 7 days. He also sent the letters to the wrong address. They got sent next door luckily my sister inlaw lives there 🙂 so I was able to get the letter. My wife opened the latest one to inform me what it said.

Not only do I currently pay £200 a month (which not only do I but many friends of mine including single\seperated mothers believe to be more than enough) to my ex I also pay £80 in to my daughters bank account and have paid for several activities for my daughter including dance, skiing and so on. I have never asked my ex to contribute towards the cost of these either.

Sorry if this seems lie I have had a rant. without employing a solicitor an expense I cant really afford I am not sure who or where to to turn to 🙁

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890


I think that with the different nationalities involved, you really do need specialist advice - you could contact the CSA as they will know what the limits of their powers are.

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Posts: 3

Thanks for your reply actd

I am not sure what you mean by different nationalities involved?
both my ex and I are English
I have English residency.

I just happen to work for a company based In Qatar which uses a management company baased in Monaco.
I do not work for the company Monaco and I have a contract subject to Qatari law.

Her solicitor mentioned something about REMO which Monaco is a participating country. However Qatar is not.

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Hi Shaunie

Because of the contracts and nationalities of the company, I cannot advise further as I have no knowledge at all of this area. As I said above, you need specialist legal advice on this - I do know that the CSA have some powers to take maintenance from the non resident parent if the company is in certain countries, but that is the limit of my knowledge in this respect.

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Posts: 3

Twice her solicitor has wrote to me and both times it was sent to the wrong address.
I have asked him to send emails instead due to me working away but he seems to refuse this....

Last letter I got said if I didnt make her an offer in the next 7 days they would file for court.
I replied to this and offered the following:
£50 a month increase totally £250PCM
continue to pay £80 month into my daughters saving account
buy 2 x school uniforms at start of academic year
buy required stationary at start of academic year
give my daughter £100 equivalent currency for a holiday my ex takes her on each year.

in return I asked for the following:
My parents got to have my daughter on weekends, something thats been happening for over 2 years since I started this job
My daughter would stay with me during my leave usually 6-8 weeks at a time again been happening over 2 years
My ex had to attend AA as I have proof she has a drinking problem.


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