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Ex-Threatening not ...
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[Solved] Ex-Threatening not to put my name on birth cert

Posts: 20
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Joined: 12 years ago

Hey everybody.

I hope I am posting this is the right section.

My ex has 5 weeks left before our child is born. I have contributed money towards items for the baby already and now she is threatening not to put my name on the birth certificate. I was told I can go through my solicitor and stop the child being registered until a DNA test is done. Is this correct? If not what options do I have.

I am not a violent person and I have a clean criminal record to prove it.
I do not take drugs and only occasionally consume alcohol.
I work and I am willing to pay towards the child at all stages as I have already proved.

Any advice would be fantastic.


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Posts: 7

she can register the baby without a DNA test being done she would have to put the father as 'unknown'
and if she doesnt put you on the birth certificate and you do a DNA to prove your the father then if she doesnt do it willingly the only way is to take her to court to apply to be put on it. which then gives you parently responsibillities (this can be costly) she also has 6 weeks to register the baby once the baby is born so if you do a DNA test in that time she may just put you on if you can convince her too.
hope this helps
but seek legal advice

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Posts: 20

How can I get a DNA test done without my name being on the birth certificate. how long does the process usually take?

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Posts: 7

it doesnt matter if you are or are not on the birth certificate to do a DNA, obviously if she is difficult and doesnt let you do a test then you will have to speak to a solicitor and he can advise you.
all i no is, i didnt have my daughters dad on the birth cert, 6 months after she was born we did a DNA he was her father, hes never been added to the cert but that is because he has never asked me to do it and sees my daughter twice a month so isnt really a great deal in her life. but i would put him on it if he wanted to be on it. so you can have your solicitor right ur ex a letter stating you want to be on the cert, if she doesnt agree you will prob have to go further (court order)
how long does the process take?? DNA once done you get the results in roughly 7-10 days


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