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Hi all,
I recently had a contact order put in place via the courts. Part of the order states that I can take Ellie on holiday provided i give 4 weeks notice and that i don't take her out of the country for more than 4 weeks.
Anyway, I've been engaged for approx a year and just before the court case started, we decided to get married in 2012. We hadn't decided where or exactly when, but we had an idea it would be in august and so i requested 2 weeks off work from 20th august just in case.
So, outside the court, Ellie's mum was being all nicey nicey and asked whether we were going on holiday in 2012. I told her that we were getting married, we weren't sure when but were going to look at venues in february half term and would let her know...but it will probably be in august followed by 2 weeks honeymoon (with the kids) so asked her to hold off making any plans until i confirmed our wedding dates in february. She did ask me to avoid the end of august but i said i would let her know asap as it obviously depended on getting time off work, when the venue had a slot etc.
Well, the rest is predictable. Days after the official court order arrived in the post, she sent a letter giving notice that she would be taking ellie on holiday for 2 weeks from 20th august. Annoyed and very upset, i decided to not let her continue having a disruptive influence on my new relationship, and so I tried to move my holiday at work. Unfortunately, my job means that only 2 of us can be off at the same time and with other colleagues having families, the rest of the school holidays was fully booked. The closest i could get was the last week or so of school followed by the first week in the school holidays.
On that basis, we've booked the wedding, the honeymoon, invites have been sent, accommodation booked the lot, money paid out. I then was made aware that despite the contact order saying about giving 4 weeks notice and not for more than 4 weeks abroad, plus holding parental responsibility, i still have to get permission from ellie's mum to take her out of the country. So i wrote to ellie's mum detailing all of the above dates etc and that i had let the school know that ellie would be missing 8 days of school, and although this is regrettable, it's a special occasion, kids don't do a lot during the last week or so anyway and it was the only time i could get off partly in the summer holidays etc etc.
She's written back refusing to agree, stating that ellie is struggling at school etc etc. She isn't struggling, she's where most kids are of her age, however, she used to be above everyone else. Several letters have gone back and forth but she wont agree. I even pointed out that i wouldn't dream of refusing her permission to take ellie to portugal in april, should she remember to ask.
So, the long and short of it is, how do i get some sort of order to allow ellie to attend her dad's wedding and honeymoon with the rest of her family? And any idea how successful that would be? And how long does the process take? Would it be a load of court hearings again like the contact order?
Thanks in advance, and apologies for the long post!
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