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I've posted a couple of times before and now I'm back with updates and needing a bit more advice. My original thread is below, if it helps explain the background:
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I've submitted the contact order to the court and so I'm waiting for them to give me a date and take it from there. However, in the meantime my ex now informs me that:
She's planning on taking Ellie away to China for 6 months, where she's planning on finishing her degree
She's then planning on moving to North Yorkshire (we all currently live in the west midlands, approx 20 mins from eachother) where her brother lives with him family, and setting up a new life there.
Now, I think I'm right in saying that because I have parental responsibility I can stop her from taking ellie to China, and for this I need to apply for a prohibitive steps order using the C100 again. Is this right, and if so, do I submit that now or do I have to wait until the contact order is sorted first?
Secondly, what can I do about her moving so far away? Obviously my main reason for wanting to prevent this is because if she did move away I'd only see Ellie once or twice a month with a 6 hour round trip in between. I wouldn't be able to take her to school or have her in the week, like I do now and have done for 5 years. But also, I feel that this will be disruptive for a 9 year and also detremental to not have her dad around.
Her reasons for weanting to move up there are to be close to her family (her mum, Ellie's nan, is also moving up) and because it's a better place to live than Birmingham (better schools, less crime etc). I have said that she can come and live with me as I live in a semi-rural area with low crime and great schools, but this was met with short shrift! I asked her to consider Ellie in all this, as she is aware what's going on and was crying that she doesn't want to move away, but her response was that she's put Ellie's needs first for years and now needs to start putting her own first!
I would add that she's been threatening to move away for a long time, and during our recent 'disagreements' she's used this as a bribe, ie, "if you don't do this, we're moving away" etc.
Any advice on what I can do and how I would do it will be much appreciated.
EDIT - PS - I should add that the contact order I've asked for is for me to have Ellie on tuesdays, as normal, and Friday afternoon until Monday morning every other weekend. I'm hopeful of this getting agreed because I feel that it's in Ellie's best interests that she doesn't witness her mum starting arguments with me (I wouldn't have to see her as I'd pick Ellie up from school on Friday afternoon and drop her at school Monday morning). If this did get agreed, how would her moving 3 hours away be viewed by the court? There's no way we'd be able to stick to the contact order if she was that far away.
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