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Hi guys,
I have done a position statement for court since my ex has stopped my contact. But I feel like I'm being too brutal with being honest about it.. Ideally I want to go to court and not make my ex look bad as I want to get back with her in the future if she realises she messed up... Maybe it's just me wishing she could realise she done wrong..
Can someone please check my position statement and let me know your thoughts, if something can be changed or removed or if you know somewhere online that can help me with a postion statement on a budget?
Here is my current doc: removed as contains personal information and should not be made public
some details removed.
Kindest regards,
I haven't written a position statement and therefore cannot comment or advise specifically, however some initial feedback would be..
- focus on the here and now priority of child contact, yes the balance re not being negative towards ex needs to be considered, however, if you have genuine concerns which may assist with getting contact then these should be reflected.
- your document still has too much identifying detail, I would suggest removing more detail to avoid identification.
- there are points where you switch from third person (the applicant) to first person (I) which would need to be amended.
I'm sure others more experienced will be feedback re the detail.
All the best.
Hi Kieran,
I would suggest to keep statement brief and very child focused. there is a great template here:
I would avoid attacking your ex as a person, or her partner if she has one. recommend give court impression that your willing to get along with your ex, to co-parent the kids in a stable way.
Am sorry but I have had to remove your statement. if you could remove all names of parties, as well as any identifying information such as addresses, case reference etc, then you can re-post if you like. I have been in other groups and someone's ex partners stalk them, and inform their solicitor and court that dad is breaching family court rules by posting details in public. can cause lot of problems for you.
Can I talk about my case outside court?
I had look at your statement and would suggest you add some information like what arrangements are you seeking for child. overnight contact, every other weekend at your place? you could add wording like you want to put the past behind you and co-parent with your ex, because its in child's best interests. Can not give you legal advice. just some suggestions.
For your position statement try to keep it very child focused and straight to the point.
The judge’s like to see things set out clearly and not a tangent of he said/she said.
Make it clear what your proposals are and that you have your child/children’s best interests at heart. State that you want to co-parent and be amicable in every way.
Don't mud sling or talk negatively about your ex as a person as this will demonstrate hostility and it could go against you.
Only raise safeguarding issues if you have any about your ex.
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- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
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