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Do my son and i hav...
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[Solved] Do my son and i have the righ to move?

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Joined: 13 years ago

I have my son five nights a week and i am in receipt of my sons child benefit and tax credits, due to these times i have my son i have had to leave my trade of nine years so i am looking to re train, the training i am interested in is very limited to where you can do it, the closest place is seventy miles from where i currently live and from where my son has contact with his mum, so my question is are we allowed to make this move ?
I'd like to further add that in the area i'm interested in, the schooling, activitys, drama, music etc also seems much better for my son to were we live at the moment so this could be an all round benefit if allowed?
Lastly i would like to say thanks for your past help, the first time i was here was when i was taking my ex to a contact center so i could have contact of just two hours a week with my son, but after a long battle things have finally have paid off thanks to forums like this, so thank you my friends, and my message to anyone else, keep going! what is a few grey hairs for a lifetime with your child 😉

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Hi Nathan

Can you clarify, do you have a residence order, or is it simply an arrangement you have with your ex?

Either way, the simple answer is that you can move anywhere in the country as long as there is a genuine reason for moving, ie you aren't moving in order to make contact difficult or impossible, and from what you have said, you can easily justify that there is a genuine reason.

However, it would be a good idea to try to sort out contact arrangements before you move to try to avoid problems later down the line.


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