2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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Joined: 13 years ago

Hi im a new parent and i have just split from my partner as she has started using the baby as a weapon against me and told me i have no rights to him what so ever all i want is to be able to have my son one weekend a month until he get older and i have built up trust with the mother and on my days off from work i would like to take him out, but she is refusing me to have him unless i go to her flat were i know she wantrs me there to argue and try and resolve our issues but all i want to do now is have my son and support him any way my ex partner has an underlining mental illness and depression and has caused huge cracks that caused us to seperate she also has grand mall epalepsy and i am worried for his safty as she doesnt see the dangers and sleeps with him im bed when she knows she can seizure any time u can imagin very worrying what rights do i have when it comes to me seeing my son away from her enviroment PLEASE anyone im so lost!!!!

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Joined: 14 years ago

Estimable Member
Posts: 152

Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch! It's must be really hard right now wondering where you stand? The first place I would recommend you ask for help is 'The Children's Legal Centre'. They are one of the DadTalk Partners. You kind find the link to their website on the bottom right of this page. They will be able to let you know where you stand legally & what some of the first steps you can take to try & gain regular access to your child. Hopefully they will be able to help you initially with the information you need.

Please come back to us & let us know how you get on & ask any further questions you may have. I'd also recommend you read other posts on here under the Legal Eagle section to learn from other peoples experiences/advice & hopefully to encourage you that you are not alone in trying to get access to your child.

Really hope you're able to work things out quickly!


Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Hi Patty and welcome to the forum

Springchicken's advice above is worth following up, the Children's Legal Centre can give you free legal advice if you don't already have a solicitor.

If you have concerns for your son's safety, have you considered contacting Social Services? I would certainly say it's worth having a chat to them so they are at least aware of the situation and they may consider supporting your ex partner.

I would say that what you are asking for is perfectly reasonable, in fact if anything, you could ask for more frequent contact as long as you are able to maintain that, perhaps initially at a contact centre, and then starting and increasing the amount of time away from the cotnact centre might be the way to go about it.


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