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do i have a right?
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[Solved] do i have a right?

Posts: 1
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Joined: 12 years ago

hi everyone,i was in a violent marriage,with advice from police i moved her out,since feb 2011 i have not seen my son.I write nearly every week even though he is only 3 he can read them when he is older.I have been asking to go see him,but nothing has been set up.Even offered to drive 300+miles each way to see him for even half a hour this was rejected.Also i have been asking for even a photo of him till it goes through court ofr access but again,no result.My solicitor has been trying to take it through court since april 2011 but getting nowhere.should i change solicitor and have i the right to get a photo from her of him?i appreciate any help offered and suggested.

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Noble Member
Posts: 1072

Hi There,

You have the right to chenge solicitor if you feel the one you have isn't working out for you.

Are you paying them or is it legal aid?

You have a right to a photo, of course you do but you will need to get the ex on side to obtain this.

Have you thought about mediation instead of court to be able to discuss and try to resolve the conflict without the involment of the courts?



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