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[Solved] CSA Help

Posts: 1
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Joined: 12 years ago

Hi all,

I was hoping for a little feedback, guidance and support on an issue or two. If you can help then please get in touch!

It has come to my attention that I have been overpaying the C.S.A for about 3 years now. I am paying for my oldest daughter but also have another child that lives with me. The C.S.A have not included the child that lives with me for some reason. This was put on the application from the first possible date. They said they are looking in to it but it has already taken a couple of weeks. Surely something should have been done by now? I get the impression they don't really care. I have to explain the same story every time I phone. What's more, they are trying to say that I did not inform them at the time! I was accused of not putting this in my application but I have explained on numerous times that I did. As with everything from my end with the C.S.A, all communication is via the phone.

Secondly, the mother to my oldest daughter has always been a bit unstable and irresponsible. For Christmas she purchased my daughter an i-Pod touch. This gives her access to facetime and instant messaging to other Apple devices. She doesn't allow my daughter to bring the device to my house and this causes me quite a lot of concern. Is there any legal advice or guidance that I could be aware of to help me here?

Any feedback would be warmly received.


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i can't answer much about the iPod issue.....but the CSA part i know only what a friends has gone through.

The CSA are very quick to chase you for money but not at helping you sort it out when they're wrong! My mate was advised to try using his MP to rase the issue with the CSA for him.....funnily enough they started moving a little quicker then!
He's still arguing about how much he owes in arrears but he says they seem a little quicker to respond now since the MP wrote to them.

Its worth a shot if they're dragging their feet.


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