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Yes you got into in one , she water boarded my 4 year old son into a confession
I could of easily denied it but i had no idea i wasn't allowed to so hence i dropped my self in it.
Shes a mum , a women and has made allegations so there are no concerns with her, shes all good, .. i on the other hand ..might as well be satin.
Anyway in court on the 4th, i have a barrister , she has noting, so hopefully i can get so interim contact sorted.
I would certainly make the court aware of the ambiguity surrounding the toileting issue... and the fact that's there's a care plan that you are barred from seeing, but are expected to comply with!
Let's hope common sense prevails at the hearing and the court see this for what it is and moves your case and your contact forward.
All the best
Are well no surprises here .
The wonderful cafcass have made there first report and despite telling me they would go along with SS recommendation for home supervised contact they have decided no interim contact at all.
Can they actually say one thing and do another? Surely that cant be right?
Ex is now claiming DV - so those heated arguments over her cheating on me are now DV by me.
Will the court follow cafcass recommendation ?
How can cafcass and SS have such differing views?
Yes I am afraid Cafcass frequently say one thing and do the other and once the ex starts claiming DV they turn against the Dad in a heartbeat. It horrifies me that woman are allowed to claim DV with no evidence whatsoever and everyone believes them. Cafcass have a stupid “tool” that decides whether DV occurred. It’s bascially a set of simple questions that both parties are meant to answer. In my experience the ex was the only one questioned and of course the “tool”indicated DV had occurred because she lied. It’s likely the court will follow the Cafcass recommendations. Hang in there, the truth does come out eventually, it just takes a ridiculous amount of time and effort.
To be fair my ex has stated in the report she wants me to have supervised contact at pre arranged times.
I just dont why the cafcass officer said on the phone to me that they would follow SS recommendation and she actually said i will do my best to get as much contact as possible for you, then she recommends zero contact. [censored].
i have only just started on this path and i already feel like i lost.
This made me laugh too, The report said about the DV that it would have an impact on my sons sense of stability and security.... ok but cutting him off from his Dad he's seen every week for all his life wont...BS
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