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I didnt see my children from the age of 4 months to 10 months old. When I saw them again in a contact centre it was like we never parted. They knew me, came to me and were happy.
At this meeting just be a happy and positive dad - don't go telling your son how much youve missed him or that it isnt what you wanted etc. You will be watched and monitored, saying anything that could be seen negatively will be used in court. So just treat it as normally as you can - contact is not the place to express views or anything like that.
Asking for a mental health assessment is a very tricky thing. The cost is immense plus the court are looking for you, as parents to be mutually understanding and respectful of each other.
The best way to handle practically everything in Court is to present evidence rather than opinions and then let the Court come to conclusions - so for example show them the behaviour you think is "odd" and hope they think so too.
Nothing is perfect in terms of this whole process, the advice you are being given here is based on first hand experience so whilst some of it may seem illogical, unfair or alien to you, I would urge you to trust us.
i think my ex is so [censored] minded she will go the whole hog for the court hearing.
She would be happy if i never had contact with my son every again shes that way out.
That's what most of us have faced.
Come to terms with it and focus on your child.
My ex went from being a seemingly lovely person to a total monster overnight who deserves to be locked up and never allowed contact with any children again. I live with that.. I co-parent with that.
People change and sometimes people are not what you think they are - I know that's my own experience. I'm sure it's narcissism but there is nothing I can do except make sure my children are the focus and their welfare is the priority.
The more time you spend being angry or shocked at her or the system, the less time you have to get your sh*t together and be what your son needs.
Just an update to the [censored] show thats going on.
I have had 2 home supervised contact session with my son which was really great.
Contact has now been stopped because i took my son to the toilet which i had no idea wasn't allowed under supervised contact! i am supper pissed off with this as i was never informed about the rules of what supervised contact are, SS just assumed i know all the ins and outs.
Anyway i now have zero contact again for this small [censored] up.
Court first week of Sept,
Cafcass interview was straight forward no big issues apart from my ex has mention a domestic violence incident - one of those that never actually happend - looks like this will be thrown in the mix now as well just for good measure.
cafacss & social services are recommended supervised contact in the interim until the next hearing and full report can be written. I am guessing this will be a contact centre at best which is a total joke.
A couple of things that really gets to me is the fact every one is acting like iam a guilty party and treating me like some tried and convicted [censored] offender - what happend to innocent until prove guilty?
Also the party making the allegations are then give all the power by the social service to decide what happens next which i find utterly laughable.
The whole thing sucks big time.
I would get some clarification on this toilet issues - sounds bizarre to me. Did they specifically say this is the reason contact is being stopped? Or were there other things?
You can look at the whole experience from so many different angles. We, of course, look at it from our own perspective and see just how unfair and random the whole affair is.
I disproved all of the allegations thrown at me. But my case didn't really start to make progress until I stopped thinking my perspective was the most important and that making sure my lying ex was punished was important.
Once I focused solely on the children and their needs - almost blinkering out everything else that wasn't related to that - things took a dramatic turn. It went my way.
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- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
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