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Court Order to see my children being flouted

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Back October-23, I successfully obtained a court order to have my three children Friday from 16:00 until Sunday at 18:00. The drop-off and pick up location was agreed to be remote from both our homes. My middle child (9) has always struggled to stay away from home (separation anxiety), but over time, we successfully managed to have her stay two nights with me. 


She has been very tearful at pick-up and hasn't been staying recently. I found out last weekend that this was because my ex has been reinforcing her anxiety by telling my daughter that it's ok to say she doesn't want to come and they remain mute at pick up. She has also been telling the children to be careful what they tell me about their days at "mum's" house as daddy might be angry or anoyed at what they do. 


For clarity, we've been separated for over two years now. I have always been the calm and mindful one in my previous relationship, and I left her because of her controlling nature. 


Should I recall her to court or suggest alternate drop-off methods, like a contact centre?



Topic starter Posted : 16/07/2024 11:30 am
Honorable Member

Try to sort it without going to court.  The process is lengthy and stressful for all.  You could try mediation if she'll agree.  Perhaps you could talk to the school to see if they have noticed any changes in behaviour/anxiety.  The online course for separated parents with a link on this page would be helpful.

Posted : 16/07/2024 11:58 am

how contact centres work

Illustrious Member

If you take it back to court and propose contact centre, they will probably ask you to pay to use as handover location. School pick ups and drops are ideal.

Posted : 16/07/2024 7:15 pm

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