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Court Order for return of goods - N1 form?

Active Member Registered

Hi all,

Whilst I was on a business trip, out of the blue my ex changed the locks (we were co-habiting at the family home) moved pretty much everything I own in a storage locker, won't tell me where it is and refuses to return it unless I give her £30K.  I reported it to the police as theft/blackmail but they have been as useless as ever, logging it as civil/domestic.  I've requested it back and put her on notice of a claim (served using the email she confirmed with the family court) - it's not a sum on money I'm claiming, so do I now serve an N1 for specific performance (return of goods)?

Topic starter Posted : 27/06/2024 10:31 pm
Illustrious Member

I had a look at form N1, it states that you can use it if your claiming something other than money. So should be ok. Alternative is you can estimate the value of the belongings she is holding, and make a money claim. Please refer to the notes:

Posted : 29/06/2024 6:05 pm
MJ100 reacted

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