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[Solved] Court Order

Posts: 1
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hello all.
I need some help...... My partner has been separated from the mother of his children for 3 years now. We have been to court a number of times and in each hearing have been given a revised court order. On each of these orders I have been named. In a nut shell the father is to have contact with the children over night from Friday at 4pm until Sunday at 3pm and every Tuesday between 4 and 7 and I am not allowed to be present. This means I have to leave my home which I pay for. There is no safe guarding risk just the 11 year old does not like me (he is subject to parental alienation).
1 is this a breach of my human rights?
2 should I be present in court if I am named on the court order?
I have supported my partner at each hearing but have not been allowed into the court room.

Any advice or answers would be much appreciated.

Thank you 🙂

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi there

Is the court case ongoing? Have CAFCASS Or social service spoken to you as part of any welfare reports?

It's a difficult situation for you, it's your home too, but unfortunately, unless you're a party to proceedings, you wouldn't be allowed into the courtroom. Has your partner asked for checks to be made on you, to allow for the process of you being introduced into the children's lives at some point?

If the court case is still going on, your partner could apply to ask for permission for you to be made a party to the proceedings. If you are named in the order and are having to leave your home every weekend, I think that's a valid reason for you to be involved. Also he could make the point in the application, that he would like your inclusion so that you can be involved in moving contact forwards, to slowly introduce you to the children and for them to get used to the idea that you are also a big part of their dads life.

The form your partner would need is form C2 and there would be a charge for submitting it... there are no guarantees that permission would be granted, but it's worth a try.

All the best


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