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contact order broke...
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[Solved] contact order broken

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I have an order in place which is for monthly contact. 3 months ago the ex contacted regarding money (always paid the same amount ever month) she had thought she was being clever and went via csa to try and get more. It backfired

She then told me not to show up or contact her otherwise she would call the police.

I stayed away and went on holiday so missed one of the contacts. Anyway he had a recent sports day and I turned up to watch. She had conspired withthe headmistress (old bat) and removed him from school (on the morning of sports day)

The school have been useless and the ex has obviously been bad mouthing me and now he says he does not want to see me or speak to me.

QUESTION. I have the order in place but if I turn up to pick him up things will kick off. he will refuse to come with me and his monther will call the police. Where do I stand with that? I need to spend time with him on his own to get him out of the brainwash. (something simliar happened before and within 10 minutes he was completetly fine again)

But I like to know where I stand with the police.

I should add I am about to submit papers again to state the order has been broken and I want it back before the courts.


5 Replies
Posts: 2917
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Hi There,

legally you wouldn't be in the wrong, you have an order in place and if you decided to go and collect him when the order says that you should, make sure you take the order with you as proof.

just think hard about what may happen, if she is likely to call the police then think about if that is what you want you child to see, because she may make all sorts of allegations to try and make you look bad.


Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi there

As youre intending to apply for the existing order to be enforced, I would advise you to stay away. GTTS is right, if she calls the police and makes allegations against you, you could be slapped with an injunction, which would make your contact more difficult.

Its Inappropriate to allow the child to decide on contact and his mother should be encouraging him to have a relationship with you.

All the best

Posts: 3
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Joined: 7 years ago

thanks for the feedback so far, there has been an injunction in the past but it has now passed.

I know she will just not bother to answer the door, I live 5 hours round commute away as well.

Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

As you’ve had a previous injunction, I would be very careful. If you intended to try and pick him up, I would call the police and ask for them to attend as you have a court order, but are concerned she may try and cause trouble.

If your son refused t go with you, the police wouldn’t force him to do so, they would probably advise that you take it back to court.

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