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[Solved] Contact Issues, Child in need, Emotional abuse, Court Order Help!

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Posts: 11
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Thankyou all for your replies!

So I had an urgent hearing yesterday, mother had filled out an c100 and c1a and asked for an urgent hearing. Accusing me of kidnapping and emotional abuse. I have been represented by a solicitor.

The judge I had was a civil judge and not family. He adjourned the hearing untill Tuesday. Ruling child stay with me untill then. Reasons being SS have not finished their most recent assessment and he will be using that as evidence on which to base his decision. I had submitted around 20 pages of paperwork which he had not considered.

Seeing as his decision will be heavily based on the SS report, which will say what has happened recently, but will also say that mums house is a safe environment despite this.

I am really hoping SS report will include her partners statement ( about her using again- disappearing- smashing up the house) that he later redacted. ??

Fairly worried that the judge is simply going to look at the SS report and let them make the decision for him. In which case I will have to settle for a direct contact order, or carry on fighting to get full residency. I am planning on going for full residency.

Wondering if anyone has any insight into what I can do to help my case. Or how much weight a redacted statement will have in court.

Thanks again!

Posts: 53
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Joined: 5 years ago

Having been the subject of various allegations that were proved, thankfully via cctv and statements, to be false, I have some insight into the courts operation in such matters. The boyfriend made serious allegations that will raise safeguarding concerns, I would think they will operate with safety, and your daughter will stay with you and a lengthy safeguarding investigation will resume. However, remember that your daughter will love her mommy, you need to minimise the emotional damage, so I would suggest your ex gets lots of supervised visitation with mommy.

Posts: 11
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Thanks for you reply. That makes me feel a lot more positive about my case. Do you mind me asking what you were accused of?

Posts: 53
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I was accused of EVERYTHING. What made it worse is that my ex’s best friend is a senior social worker in our town, who guided and accompanied her ever step of the way. Family and friends, people I have known for my entire life turned against me. The initial accusation related to a specific event and CCTV proved that it was false and police reported she was not credible, had lied etc.

Then half way through proceeding she started telling friends and family members, our employees and her therapist and solicitor that I had raped her and and worse. These friends and employees spread this message to everyone that would listen, I guess in an effort to support my ex and my children, who they perceived to be victims of a monster.

Then, when I applied for a change of residency, she brought one of the children to a hospital, claiming another extremely serious assault and threat to kill.

This time police said they knew it was bullshit, and interviewed me some six months later, on a voluntary basis. Police were extremely supportive, they have a job to do. They cannot ignore such allegations.

The issue is, that they can be made with impunity. That needs to change.

I am not sure I will ever recover from the ordeal, however, I live in a small town, and had a high profile businesses. My family had businesses in the same town from 1904. That allowed the news listed above to spread like wildfire. The fact that I stayed put, that I live in the same house, that I made sure, when possible to engage with the community as much as possible, over time, diluted the hatred and contempt that was directed my way for the first few years, but still, it takes huge courage at times just to go to the shop.

I would have killed myself but I knew what it would do to my children to grow up thinking their father was a rapist who had hospitalised them as children. My choice was to endure the pain, the loss of family, and business, or transfer that suffering to my children.

Not much of a choice really, but it could have been very different.

She wanted me to kill myself, of that I am sure.

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Wow, that takes a lot of courage to stay put and challenge people's perceptions.

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