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Contact arrangement...
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[Solved] Contact arrangement order

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I agree with you. Just that my ex and her family have been extremely malicious and been playing games with me so far. I tried various means of trying to arrange contact but all failed before going down court route. I don't wish to allow them to play anymore games or ignore the letters. Hence I'm impatient about whether the letters have been sent to her not. I've since found out after submitting the application that ex no longer resides at her dad's place so that's another worry! As that's the address I used in the c100

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your over-thinking. i gave you my example earlier. ex ran off with kids to some address. would not reveal to me. she always would spend weekends at her mums. so i put down her mums address on court paper. and thats that. when the paper arrives at her dads, they can either pass it onto your ex, be dumb and ignore, or they could give court her current address.

you now need to focus on the actual court hearings - the contents of positions statements, the crazy allegations, what kind of contact your seeking etc

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My child is 11 months so am I right in to believing I won't get overnight stay anyway so no point me even thinking about that. Especially when he's not being bottle fed either.

What's reasonable? I was thinking every weekend for few hours. Although I don't know how I'll manage that since he doesn't recognise me and cries upon seeing me due to the period of not allowing me contact. She doesn't want to see or talk to me either.

Allegations she'll throw is DV. She called police and had me arrested but there was no charge. I understand cafcas will ask me about allegations. How do I approach the allegations? To deny or say it was one off incident?

What is a position statement?

Posts: 5419
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during my court days, cafcass asked me if i want overnight stays with the baby, who was about 5 months old at the time. something about her face gave me the impression that she wanted to know if i'm crazy or not 🙂

i told her overnights are out of the question as babys still breast-feeding and shes too attached to mum. i said i can wait till babies 1, then she can visit my place and stay for few hours and go back to mum. when shes 2, can look at overnight stays. at 1st hearing, court ordered that i should sit in ex's family address for 30 minutes every saturday to see baby, just before picking up other 2 kids. no wonder at the 2nd hearing my ex had different barrister hahaha.

so the house visits lasted about 5 weeks or so. that changed to me taking the baby out to nearby coffee shop or park, for an hour, every 2 weeks. not much but still a good start. and plan is to see her at my home for few hours when shes a year old.

regarding allegations, i say honesty is the best policy, which my solicitor advised. i admitted to past incidents (real ones). and because they happened 4-5 years back, cafcass didn't seem bothered as no one got beat up. she praised me for being honest & gave me green light to see kids.

check this for position statements:

its basically a paper which states why your in court and what you want court to decide. take one to every hearing.

Posts: 66
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Joined: 6 years ago

So I got the letter from court today. The first hearing isn't till November! I wasn't expecting the hearing to be so far. I thought it's usually around 6 to 8 weeks from when you submit the form! Can I ring them up and ask if it can be sooner?

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