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[Solved] Contact arrangement order

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Posts: 66
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Hello all,

New to this and need advice. Wife alleged domestic violence, I was arrested but released without charge.

Now Separated from wife and she's not letting me see my son. Mediation failed and I've got certificate to go through courts. I sent the form off yesterday. I'm planning on self representing

I expect my wife to bring up DV allegations. My question is how to do I tackle these when I get a call from CAFCAS? As I've already been released by police and told no further action.

And am I expected to answer questions surrounding the allegations? If so how do I respond without incriminating myself? I don't want to get myself in to a pickle and have police case reopened and have this dragged out by the courts too.

Can anyone advise?

22 Replies
Posts: 5412
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago


your ex will bring up all kinds of allegations against you including DV. Your first cafcass call will be basic. DV issues will be raised. you should just state that police released you, no further action. cafcass will check your police records.

at some stage a section 7 report will be done by cafcass. thats when they call you in for an interview. and they will ask more questions surrounding your past relationship, abuse allegations, what kind of child contact you want etc.

before your arrest, did you get into trouble with the law? any convictions?

Posts: 66
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Hi thanks for replying

No fortunately not ran in to problems with law before. This was my first time.

So to clarify, when Cafcass call for first time, is it sufficient to tell them I was arrested by police but released without charge and that's it? I'm worried they may make me say something which will go against me and perhaps reopen police case? Is that possible? Would they tell me to explain the pictures she has of her "injuries"

I'm not sure if I want to hire a lawyer, from what I've heard they charge extortionate amounts and sometimes self representing goes in your favour too.

Posts: 5412
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago


during my case, solicitor suggested that honesty is the best policy. in my dealings with cafcass, i admitted to stuff that i did do. fortunately they had nothing to do with injuries/beatings. just stuff about furniture getting beat up a few years back. and in my s7 report, cafcass officer praised me for being an honest person.

in your initial cafcass call, just say ex accussed you of DV and you were arrested, then police released you without charge. cafcass will go away and check your police records.

Posts: 66
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Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you.

What kind of questions were you asked?

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