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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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[Solved] Closer to ending life

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Posts: 81
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Im sat on my own in my back yard its sunny its lovely and sunny and all i can do in my head is keep thinking how much better life would be if i where so messed up frightened scared feel like all the court cafcass ex are trying to mess my life up and feel like my child is slowly getting taken away from me and the brain washing is working from my ex ...i feel like im am totally screwed and have not got a chance of ever seeing child again ...ive had suicide thoughts for last week and cant go to gp because its turned against me im total broken hearted the system has destroyed me i am trying so hard to keep it together but just cant i pray to god to help me i beg him but im just losing it losing my child losing to court losing to everything and feel i just dont know what to do anymore i just want to see my child but feel its too late as my ex has brainwashed everything special and happy memorys me and child ever had ..i cant reveal childs name but where ever you are i love you and wish i had power to stop the damage your mom is doing but im powerless and broken to the core mentally and physically .

7 Replies
Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi there

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so low... is there anyone that you can get some support from, a partner, family member or close friend?

I know how hard it has been for you, and youre worried to go to your GP, but perhaps it's more important to get yourself some help right now, or you might not be able to cope with the pressure of court.

Have you called the Samaritans, it might help to talk to someone about how you're feeling, here's the number - 116 123's manned 24 hours a day. Everything you discuss is in confidence.

Also you can call CALM on - 0800 58 58 58 they're available from 5pm until midnight every day.

Try not to think too much into the future, just focus on getting through each day. Try not to be alone, be around other people that you can trust, even if you don't feel that you want to talk about what's happening inside.

It might help to think about all the positive things in your life, about your strengths and the people that need you.

Excercise can help with your mood too, or doing something that you enjoy, it will take your mind of your worries.

The most important thing is to keep talking, I'll be around on and off for the rest of the afternoon, just let me know you're ok... we want to help.

All the best

Posts: 81
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Joined: 8 years ago

Hi there

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so low... is there anyone that you can get some support from, a partner, family member or close friend?

I know how hard it has been for you, and youre worried to go to your GP, but perhaps it's more important to get yourself some help right now, or you might not be able to cope with the pressure of court.

Have you called the Samaritans, it might help to talk to someone about how you're feeling, here's the number - 116 123's manned 24 hours a day. Everything you discuss is in confidence.

Also you can call CALM on - 0800 58 58 58 they're available from 5pm until midnight every day.

Try not to think too much into the future, just focus on getting through each day. Try not to be alone, be around other people that you can trust, even if you don't feel that you want to talk about what's happening inside.

It might help to think about all the positive things in your life, about your strengths and the people that need you.

Excercise can help with your mood too, or doing something that you enjoy, it will take your mind of your worries.

The most important thing is to keep talking, I'll be around on and off for the rest of the afternoon, just let me know you're ok... we want to help.
All the best

im ok im just really down

Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Thanks for getting back to us... it's ok to feel down and you did the right thing opening up about it.

I really do understand what you're going through... this process can get to the strongest people and you have been on this journey for a long time.

You were so positive when you first posted about re applying, so I'm guessing that the threats of an NMO have knocked your confidence again and set you worrying about what might happen. In my experience, its best not to look into the future, stay in the here and now and deal with things as they come along... if worrying about what ifs solved anything, I'd say worry away, but it solves nothing and just makes us feel worse.

Keep talking if you feel like it, but if not try and find people that you trust, to spend time with.

All the best

Posts: 81
Topic starter
Estimable Member
Joined: 8 years ago

Thanks for getting back to us... it's ok to feel down and you did the right thing opening up about it.

I really do understand what you're going through... this process can get to the strongest people and you have been on this journey for a long time.

You were so positive when you first posted about re applying, so I'm guessing that the threats of an NMO have knocked your confidence again and set you worrying about what might happen. In my experience, its best not to look into the future, stay in the here and now and deal with things as they come along... if worrying about what ifs solved anything, I'd say worry away, but it solves nothing and just makes us feel worse.

Keep talking if you feel like it, but if not try and find people that you trust, to spend time with.

All the best

yes it is the threat of that over my head making me worry i have never been in trouble with law apart from a pin notice in 2016 which all i did was try sort out contact with ex and since then have never been near her no text no email im just feeling so down n out and feel like im doing wrong thing trying to get access when i know they are all against me meaning cafcass ex and dreading seeing cafcass officer again cause he doesnt like me and believes ex .im trying so hard to ge strong but feel so weak and drained as if im going to have a heart attack or a stroke because of the stress but court or cafcass dont care about me .

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