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i need some advice please
around 5 years ago social services got involved because the mother could not safeguard the children, a Childs Arrangement Order was made in court that my daughter lived with myself (father) from fri to mon and mon to fri with her great grandmother and holidays could be arranged between ourselves,
around 2 years ago the great grandmother got ill and she had difficulty taking my child to school so we both agreed that it would be best if i took her to school, there was an hour drive to school from my home i did this for around 4 months and ggm and i agreed to change my childs school closer to me,
this has been working out fantastically for both parties, unfortunately the ggm has passed away and social services are involved again because of a "malicious call"
now the mother of my child is saying that all rights go back to her even though for the last 5 years she's not really been there for my child and continued police record, the social services have not contacted me yet i did meet them when the malicious call was made as i was at the ggm house picking my daughter up and they took my details
please help i have not slept for days
where do i stand with this, what rights do i have,
There is no stopping your ex taking this to court. But I would imagine you would still end up with the majority of the contact based on her history. Is your ex saying you made a malicious call, does she have proof of this? It will be down to your ex to prove she is now in a position to look after the kids.
it was ex's sister that made the call saying the childrens mother and grandmother cant look after children because of their drug use, emergency social workers came while I was picking up my child and said everything seems fine and there's no concerns and that they would return the next day, the older children (15 & 16) said they want to stay with mother, i asked what would happen with my child (10) and they said everything should stay the same (i take my child weekdays and mother and grandmother week ends) and this social service involvement should last 45 days, however when i dropped my child off last friday and the grandmother said that social workers come the next day and said that automatically the mother gets rights back because of great grandmothers death, when i picked up my daughter on sunday the mother said the same but i knew she was hiding some information this is why i'm getting worried, i just cant trust the mother and even the social services from previous court case as a lot of false information was provided
i've just had a call from an appointed social worker who's going to deal with me, she said that because i've got PR she wants to check if i can safeguard my child and she also wants to speak to my child in school, is this allowed? when i explained i dont really want my daughter going through all this again her tone changed and just said i'll see you next week, obviously i've got nothing to hide i just dont have any faith in social workers
I don't understand what they are checking? If you have had 5 years of contact, has someone reported anything about you? cafcass and social services will speak with children either at the home or school, they will just want to heat if they have any concerns. If you have done nothing wrong, then I would imagine you will have nothing to worry about. Your ex has every right to apply for contact, it will be down to the courts to decide if they see it is suitable
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- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
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