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[Solved] Children being Taken to the US

Posts: 6
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Active Member
Joined: 13 years ago

Hi All,

I'm new to this site and as a single father I need some advice.

I have joint Parental Responsibilty for my two children this is not through the courts.... My Ex partner has got involoved with a guy who has a past - Which include drugs.

This restricts his travel to the US so his Mum & Dad who I have never met have said that they wish to take the children to America next year without my EX - So my two children will be travelling with 2 strange people I have never met without their mum!!!!

Does she have to get my consent to let them go with them and travel halfway around the world or can she just let them go

If anyone has any advice on this I would be greatful


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Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Whoa - that's unbelievable that you ex is even considering this.

I will ask the CCLC to give an opinion on this, but I would be looking at the option of a prohibited steps order.

Joined: 16 years ago

Honorable Member
Posts: 447

Dear Kristoff

Thank you for your post.

From what you have told us, it appears that you have Parental Responsibility for your children and there has not been any Court Orders put in place. Therefore, your ex partner would need your consent for the children to be removed from the jurisdiction for this holiday.

If you do not consent and you feel that your ex partner will allow this holiday to happen without your consent, you can apply to the Courts for a Prohibited Steps Order to stop this from happening. To apply for this Order you would need to complete a form entitled C100 which you can obtain from your local Family Proceedings Court or from There is a fee of £200 for this application. If you feel you may be eligable for a fee exemption the form required is an EX160A. Once you have completed the form, you need to hand it in to the Family Proceedings Court closest to where your children reside. The Courts will then write to you with a hearing date.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or to discuss your case in further detail please do not hesitate to contact us on our webchat facility (open 9am-6pm Monday to Friday) which can be found at Alternatively we do have a freephone advice line 0808 8020 008 (open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday).

Yours sincerely



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