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[Solved] Changing schools

Posts: 284
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Joined: 11 years ago

Hi everyone.....I am looking for some information regarding my grandchildren changing schools.
Their parents were never married but my son is on their birth certificates.
My former dil has moved to the other side of town, but the children still attend the school where they used to live. The younger grandchild has some ( yet to be diagnosed) issues and has not taken well to the move. The older one is getting ready to do her SAT’s so my son is keen to stop mum doing a sneaky change of school.
Mum is not the easiest person to get on with and for the sake of peace my son often goes along with her suggestions. The children do have regular contact...they see us every weekend ( Dad still lives with us) and although I used to take the children to school once or twice a week, this has now stopped because of the distance involved.
The school told my son that Mum as the primary carer would have the say-so with regards to changing schools and my son would have to go the legal route in order to stop her taking the children out of school and enrolling them into a school nearby to where they now live. My son does have a good relationship with the children’s teachers ....what are your views on this?

4 Replies
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it would be better for the kids to go to a school local to them and much easier for them.

Posts: 11890
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Joined: 15 years ago

Hi, the teachers are correct, as primary carer, she does have the final say where the children go to school. Your son has Parental Responsibility, so she should consult with him when changing schools, but the reality is that she can still make the decision, and also unfortunately, if she doesn't tell him, the courts generally don't penalise in any way.

Posts: 284
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Thank you very much for your replies. Changing schools at this stage would create more harm than good as the older one is doing the SAT’s and the younger one has issues for which the child gets extra support at school. Both children have not coped well with the move....they have moved in with mums boyfriend and his dad ( whose house it actually is) .....The children have expressed on numerous occasions that they don’t want to live with mum....the younger one is very vocal and has told the teacher more than once....But again, thank you for your replies

Posts: 11890
Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago

If you think she might do this, then you can apply to court to have it prevented (a prohibited steps order) - if you can get backing from the school, that might help your case. Unfortunately, I don't know the procedures for doing this, but hopefully others on here will be able to help.


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