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changing court orde...
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[Solved] changing court order - help!

Posts: 21
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Joined: 7 years ago


this time last year i was fighting to see my kids... I was a single parent who had the children full time until my ex, purely for malicious intentions had stopped all contacted with me and the children.

Ausations was thrown around from her and resulted in me having contact with my children once a fortnight at a contact centre. Fast forward 12 months, after my ex had got over her wanting to cause destruction for me, my life, and my children, she is quite happy to brush under any of the initial "cause for concerns to not allow me any time with the children" to now "get on for the childrens sake" (as i kept asking for throughout the entire custody case) and is happily allowing me any time with the children and more ovrenight access..... what a full turn of events.

It is so obvious her "concerns" at the time were so fake since now all her concerns are brushed under the carpet now she has a new partner and wants to get rid of the kids - when it is so obvious, why can this not be raised and they get appropriately punished for causing such emotional disstress?

Anyway, i am more allowed overnight access and why she is in her "nice" mood i need to get this written in court before things with her new fella become sour and she takes it out on me and the kids. We have a court order in place, but how do i go about changing this for it to reflect the new arrangements? i have no idea, i dont want to involve solicitors, im still paying off the £10,000 from the first court case. I need to do everything myself.

Do i just write to the court, is there a form i can complete and ask the court to officially stamp the new court order that we want?


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C100 Form, Variation to Order - £215 or 230 (can't remember) you will need to have completed a MIAM and have a signed FM1 Form from the mediator.

If you just apply for these is there a risk your contact will be stopped as she will see it as you are stirring things up again? if that's a risk then my personal opinion would be to write to the ex (keep copy of the letter and any response) write to her politely asking that the new arrangements be written up officially within the court order.
If you word it politely that it's in all of your best interests - hers, the children and you to have this written in to a formal agreement and then protects the children's rights to have a life with both of you parenting them.

for the sake of the kids and your stress levels you need to focus now on the future and not the passed, what's done is done...hurts like [censored] the false claims and not being able to do a dam thing about it but unfortunately we do not live in a fair world where the lies are seen easily.
Put it behind you, and now focus on the children and ensuring they get to see you both as they should have from the start.


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