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Can I prevent mothe...
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[Solved] Can I prevent mother taking kids to live aboard

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago


Many thanks for the advice, have already done a C2, which is an enforcement order, first sitting was 6th June second is on the 20th August.

What I would like to do is share this information on the second hearing, ( I have text's, and screen shots already saved ). And say under such & such an Act section this, I therefore believe this has a very high risk of happening therefore this act should be enforced immediately.

Does this make sense?.

I can't afford a solicitor and using friend from MKckensie ,

Any advice would be great thanks

Strictly speaking you should still use the C2 to make a further application for a PSO, within the existing proceedings. Alternatively you. can try and ask the court to consider the situation about her removing the children, to do this you would prepare a brief position statement and mention that you have evidence to show she is intending to leave the country, stating that you have it with you if the court wish to see it. The reason being, that you can't attach evidence to a position statement.

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