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Can CAFCASS prevent...
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Can CAFCASS prevent reconcilation?

Posts: 38
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Trusted Member
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi dads,


So last year Cafcass did a section 7 report and found no evidence that me or the mother present any harm to our child. So they recommended shared care. However, they are aware that my wife and I are potentially looking at reconciling our marriage. they wrote in the report that reconciliation is not in the best interests of the child.

however this was a while ago.

my wife and I have changed a lot and do not argue anymore and have since reconciled. However my wife is worried that social workers/Cafcass could get involved and take our child away since we have now reconciled and they mentioned it is not recommended.

Can this happen?

2 Replies
Posts: 655
Honorable Member
Joined: 4 years ago

Social workers do not want to take children away from their parents not least because its not always easy to find placements for them.    If the children are subject to domestic abuse between the  parents there should be no problem.  However, if the children are being subjected to arguments etc then they may step in.  Good luck with the reconciliation and hopefully you will both manage to sort out your difficulties which will be in everyone's best interest

Posts: 5399
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Perhaps CAFCASS were worried that if you do reconcile, there could be chance of arguments and conflicts  happening in front of kids, and another breakup would be devastating for the kids. Usually they only get involved if courts order them to. It unlikely you will hear from them again, unless one of you makes a court application again.


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