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[Solved] CAFCASS visit

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Trusted Member Registered

My case has been ongoing since the back end of last year. I've had 4 court appearances, 2 before the District Judge and have had a phone interview with the CAFCASS officer as well as a face to face meeting which took place at my home.

After the last court hearing the DJ ordered CAFCASS to become involved again as the mother hasn't promoted even the indirect contact to progress things. The return to court has been postponed by a month as she was late submitting her statement which in turn led to my statement being late and CAFCASS asking for the date to be put back until mid October whilst they conduct further enquiries.

I have received a letter from CAFCASS with an appointment at THEIR offices in two weeks time. I know this could be time/staff shortage related, however I have never heard of them arranging appointments at their offices.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Thanks in advance.

Topic starter Posted : 23/09/2018 3:30 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

I’ve come across this before, nothing to worry about. At least everything seems to be moving in the right direction. I would suggest you ask them about a Family Assistance Order or perhaps the possibility of appointing a Guardian for the children, which is something that is considered where there is hostility from a parent.

Best of luck

Posted : 23/09/2018 3:35 pm
Trusted Member Registered

Thank you Mojo. They are supposed to be looking into appointing a Guardian, something which we asked for back in March after the previous CAFCASS officer stated she thought it was PA. Unfortunately she didn't put it in her court report and left a few days later. It looked like they wanted her caseload finished before she left so just recommended that we try indirect contact, me writing letters to the children. Five letters each later and I've had not a single response.

Topic starter Posted : 23/09/2018 3:41 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

Well, I would certainly revisit it with them during your appointment. There was also a pilot scheme called the High Conflict Pathway, I’m not sure if it has been rolled out yet, but it might also be worth asking about.

Posted : 23/09/2018 3:49 pm
Trusted Member Registered

I most certainly will be doing. The High Conflict Pathway is supposed to be rolled out this Autumn and hopefully they will use this in my case. I will ask whilst I am there.

Topic starter Posted : 23/09/2018 3:59 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

Best of luck with it and please do drop by and let us know how you get on.

Posted : 23/09/2018 4:02 pm
Famed Member

Mojo has given you good advice. I would definitely be asking about a Guardian. A Family Assistance Order could be an option to ask about, as could a CCI - Child Contact Intervention which enables Cafcass do undertake up to 12 hours work with family in whatever way the court sees fit.

FAO's & CCI's are not easy to get, but sometimes can be the only option. Cafcass are likely to tell you that neither is much of an option as there often isn't funding available, however, if a court orders it, Cafcass have to follow orders.

Having your interview at their offices happens in about 50% of Section 7 reports, it's nothing to worry about. They tend to take place at parent's home more often when overnight stays are an issue.

Posted : 23/09/2018 4:23 pm
Trusted Member Registered

Quick update on the visit to CAFCASS.

After turning up for the scheduled appointment we were told that there had been a mix up and they had it down for two days later even though the letter they had sent was the day and time I arrived.

The officer turned up about an hour later and the meeting was just over one and a half hours. I'm not sure I said everything I wanted to as most of the time was spent going over what the previous officer had put in her assessment 6 months ago.

Today she will be seeing my children mother and my children and then it's back to court next week. Hopefully I'll get the assessment sooner than 10 minutes before the hearing like last time.

Edit to add.

I have just been on the CAFCASS website to see if there was an update on the High Conflict Pathway regarding Parental Alienation as this was supposed to be launched in Autumn.

Doing a Google search for PA used to bring up the CAFCASS page where there was some blurb about it all...this page can no longer be found and there is no mention that I can see regarding the High Conflict Pathway...

Topic starter Posted : 10/10/2018 7:03 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

Thanks for the update.

I’ve just been onto the CAFCASS website,and as you say, they’ve removed the page! I’ve had a scout around, but haven’t found anything definitive, however I’m picking up some negativity about the Pathway, and some back tracking from cafcass... see here

Perhaps they’ve decided to delay the roll out further, the Positive parenting plan is still running, although this has taken some flack too.

Please do let us know how you get on in court. Perhaps you could ask the CAFCASS officer about the disappearance of the High. Inflict Pathway... but whether you’ll get any straight answers is debatable!

All the best

Posted : 14/10/2018 11:06 pm
Trusted Member Registered

Hi Mojo,

I asked her about it in a text as she wanted my email address, she replied to say that she received my email but not a word regarding the Pathway.

Today I have received her assessment and I can honestly say I've been stitched up. She hasn't mentioned the evidence I showed her regarding PA, she has basically called me a liar as she says I claimed not to have seen a part of the previous section 7 report even though we talked about it at length and her recommendation is that because my children say they don't want to see me then they shouldn't.

Topic starter Posted : 15/10/2018 5:30 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

I'm sorry to hear that...all you can do is to respond to her assessment at the hearing. Although courts do follow cafcass recommendations, that isn't set in stone.

It might be worth making the point that the decision whether to see a parent shouldn't be left solely to the children. I would look for case law to back that up.

I would also do your best to push for a Guardian, maybe a Family Assistance Order, Child Contact Intervention, or the Positive Parenting Programme... best of luck

Posted : 16/10/2018 3:09 am
Trusted Member Registered

As it stands my solicitor isn't hopeful for Thursday so has suggested a final contested hearing.

It's basically the last throw of the dice.

Topic starter Posted : 16/10/2018 6:57 pm
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