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Cafcass / Section 7
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[Solved] Cafcass / Section 7

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Hi there. I am new to this forum and have read some of the posts. It is so refreshing to see that there are websites that support dads and recognise that children have 2 parents.

I have 2 children - both from 2 separate marriages. I am happily married and live with my youngest child. I have a child with my first wife who I have not seen for some time due to her refusing contact. I have a child contact order in place but she refuses to abide by it. There is no history of abuse, addictions, violence etc - just purely a very bitter ex with an axe to grind and keen to alienate me from my child's life.

To cut a very long story short - I am going through the family courts again for access to my child and had my Section 7 meeting with Cafcass. There was no mud slinging at all and I remained child focused. The cafcass lady told me that from what she can see, this is a very clear cut case of parental alienation and that she has concerns that the mother's mental health problems are having a negative effect on my child. She said it is not unheard of in a case like ours for a judge to switch custody based on the mother's behaviour and lack of co operation.

She is due to meet with my ex wife this week then go to the school to see my 8.5yr old.

My question is - would a judge really switch custody? My C100 is for a child contact order (which i already have and is still valid) as opposed to full custody but I want what is best for my child. All jokes aside, my ex wife would actually commit suicide if our child was taken from her which is not what I want but if she is indeed a risk then I would fully support me having full custody.

Have any other dads been awarded custody or been in similar circumstances?

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The straight answer to your question is, yes, it's not unheard of a judge transferring residency due to parental alienation, not common, easy nor quick, but certainly possible.

I know of 4 cases of transfer of residence to father. They are not pretty ordeals. One thing that must be made clear is that residence is the mother's to loose, but if the CAFCASS officer is mentioning it that's positive for you, just be under no illusions, they usually try other things first before transfer of residence.

Some of the characteristics of the cases I know about include:
- Case moves up from magistrates to district to circuit judge.
- The father hasn't seen the child for months.
- There is a finding of fact made that the child is being harmed by being denied a relationship with one of the parents.
- The targeted parent is supportive of the child maintaining a relationship with the alienating parent if the alienating behaviors stop.

This published judgment might be of interest to you:

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thank you very much for your reply. I read the link attached to your post and it was in part like reading my own situation with my child.

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The Rebecca Minnock case was well publicised 2 or 3 years ago.

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One of the judgments from the Rebecca Minnock case is available at

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