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[Solved] Cafcass s7

Posts: 2
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Hi I have a second first hearing after ex didn't show. Cafcass have done a updated letter at request of judge as the sw letter was unreadable.

It says they recommend a section 7 before supervised contact starts but that. They will only be doing the s7 in regards to supervised contact.

How do I put it forward to have the s7 for all contact as I want to start supervised after it's been such a long time and then move back to hi ow it was with 50 50 shared care

4 Replies
Posts: 5416
Illustrious Member
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you can write up about your proposals and disagreements, in a position statement for next hearing. can ask judge for full seciton 7 report. do you have a barrister/solicitor?

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Hi yes I was thinking of doing a position statement so shall put in there that I'd like a full report to work towards unsupervised.

No I'm self representing have been considering a mckenzie friend but no funds for a solicitor and quotes for a barrister for the 1st hearing were out of my price range too.

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Did cafcass recommend a section 7 before your first hearing?

I'm confused at what section 7 is. I've got my hearing next week and cafcass have recommended that the court clarifies some things. Ex also told cafcass that the dv incident she claimed was a one off.

Posts: 5416
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago


check this out:

a S7 report was ordered at my first hearing. can take a few weeks to complete.


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