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Cafcass closed case
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Cafcass closed case

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I've just received an email from cafcass saying I will be receiving a safeguarding letter and they have closed the case?

I have no idea what this means? Why would they have closed the case when the first court hearing isn't until 21st march? Also I have had hardly any contact with cafcass what so ever. They called me and we had a 15 minute talk about my ex false allegations and I told them I have made allegations about her assaulting me (which I have a crime number for). They didn't ask me about my sons situation, conditions, anything.

What does this most likely mean of they have closed their case before the first hearing?





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Generally if they have closed the case this early then this sounds like good news for you e.g they have no child welfare concerns. When they stay involved they end up writing reports, interviewing you, your ex and kids, which makes court case carry on by few more months. Their letter should state their position. Hope it goes well.

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Just had the exact same happen to me. I have not seen my child since he was 2 weeks old. He is about to turn 1 on the 16th April next Saturday. Ex partner made up all of the allegations under the sun. Was with her for 10.5 years. Together during pregnancy and birth and broke up because she decided once the baby arrived she was going to use him as a weapon. Name him a first name as an attack to me. Not include my surname because it’s African. Not put me on the birth certificate so I have no parental rights. Luckily I was not married to this demon. I went to the solicitors in May 2021. Sat and waited for a year for my child hearing. We have non molestations on one another. I put a non molestation on her because I heard through the grapevine she had made up allegations to get me arrested. So I quickly ran to my solicitor and paid for a non mol to be put on her due to the attack I was under. Judge put a cross interim non mol on both of us. She’s gone to every womens aid type organisation to play a victim and managed to score herself 8/24 as a victim of domestic abuse. She then went back months later and made up more allegations to say she could be murdered by me and that there is history of sexual abuse and that I am a known criminal who is known for firearms and other multiple crimes. I have no criminal record whatsoever. Eventually after 6 months the police disclosure came which showed I have no criminal record whatsoever and that the police were never called in 10.5 years and that all the allegations happen to have been made after the baby arrived. 

When I was arrested for coercive control in September for allegations that I took a car baby seat 4 months before in May and that I refused to pay for her car. I was informed that cafcass were made aware. It was also noted that I am known to be erratic with the police. Again another lie. 

Anyway, 6 months after that I have waited for Cafcass to contact me so they can do a report on me for court. On Saturday April 9th at 9pm I received an email from cafcass saying that have closed my case and sent a safeguard letter to the court. 

i will copy and paste the letter. I’m confused and lost really and it’s pretty much ruined the rest of my weekend as the solicitors and courts and cafcass don’t open until Monday. I now can’t sleep and have had a severe night swet which I’ve been having every day for the past 11 months as I have not seen my son. Access was even refused for a day before his birthday for a few hours. It was expected im numb to it. I just want to get in court on May 9th and get my access. I even said to the other side that just to see my child I am willing to hire an independent social worker who will supervise all contact 3 days a week from 9 to 5. This then allowed you to avoid the child contact centre. It is expensive however. I shouldn’t have to pay a thing to see my own child. She ignored the child contact centre and made up excuses like it was too far for her to travel to by car. 20min car journey. Then months later she said I have friends in that area and that she would be afraid for hers and the baby’s wellbeing. Again, implying criminals. Made up nonsense. 

what do you think about this from cafcass if they have not contacted me to interview me. 

Dear Mr xxxx,
I am writing to let you know that Cafcass’ involvement in the court proceedings relating to xxxx and your family has now been completed. You should have received a copy of the report – known as a safeguarding letter - we wrote for the court to advise on the next steps. Cafcass will no longer be involved in this matter unless the court contact us again in the future, and we have therefore closed your case.
What this means
The court will write to you to explain what will happen next. You may be involved in further hearings without Cafcass, or the court may have sent you an order setting out the arrangements for your child. Unfortunately Cafcass is not able to offer you advice about any breakdown in arrangements or if there has been a significant change in your family situation, as we can only get involved again if the court ask us to.
We realise that it may be difficult to know where to turn should you feel you need more advice or support. We have therefore created a list of resources you may find useful which are available via our website
If in the future you have serious concerns relating to the arrangements the court has ordered for xxxx and you have done all you can to make these work, then you may need to contact the court and discuss further court proceedings, seek legal advice from a solicitor or seek advice from your local authority children’s services.

We do always try to provide the best possible service to children and their families. If you or xxxx would like to provide any feedback on our work, either positive or where you feel we could have done better, please let us know by contacting us on our website

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What was the latest?


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