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CAFCASS Are usless
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[Solved] CAFCASS Are usless

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Has anyone else struggled with CAFCASS not getting back to them on important issues and also show a cleat bias towards the mother?

I have called CAFCASS many times and never get a call back. There were outrageous errors in the first report, I highlighted these to them and they were ignored and the report has been submitted.

When I had my face to face interview (I knew this would be tough when I saw a young lady come out of her interview in tears, being hugged by the CAFCASS officer, when the office left, this lovely girl called her friend laughing at how she has just stitched the dad up and they "took every word of it") Any way, I go to show the CAFCASS officer some messages that prove what my wife has saud us wrong and made up. She shouted at me "I DONT WANT TO SEE OR HEAR IT!!! THEY ARE CLEARLY FAKE" i was a little stunned and had no idea why she was being so aggressive, either way, I did not raise to the bait, I simply just put the messages away. Once i had the report back, i noticed that my wife had shown a typed letter I had sent to her solicitor explaining the lies she has told and how i can prove them wrong. I do not deny sending this letter, but when i asked why the accept this letter as evidence and not my messages, they reply was "because shes the mother and we believe her" Is that even fair? It just shows they are on the mothers side, they fall for the crocodile tears all the time by the looks of it.

I have recently found out that this CAFCASS lady has left, probably because of all the errors and bias i highlighted to the court? my case is no being re-assigned and informed that they will most likely have to arrange more interviews which have already taken place.

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what led up to you showing phone messages to the officer? during my interview i only showed a parenting plan. my officer was very sane and down to earth. your one sounded like she was high on weed. maybe they kicked her out for her crappy behaviour/work. it can be a difficult balancing act. some dads just go into these interviews ranting about the mother and wanting to prover her wrong. thats the wrong approach. you just have to stay focused on seeing your children and asking what kind of contact arrangements you want.

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Why are you writing to the solicitor trying to prove your side? You do that at court to the judge, not to the solicitor.

Great that you're being re-assigned, hopefully this should give you a level playing field now.

Usually, the court asks for statements prior to S7 interviews so that Cafcass have seen some of the evidence.

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I had shown messages to highlight what she was saying is untrue. I conducted the interview calmly and honestly. I did not at any time slag off my wife in any way. I simply explained to her what lies she has told and that I can prove they are lies. This was on top of lies she had already told, for example, she told CAFCASS that during our relationship, she has called the police out on me for domestic abuse three times, she clearly thought they would not check up on these, they did, and the police told them they have no records of these call outs, because they never happened. She lied about me not attending mediation, although it was me who applied for it, got the certificate and she did not attend. I showed a copy of the certificate in court last month, the same one I submitted with the C100 form. CAFCASS were aware of these lies, so I wanted to show them other lies she has told and that there has been absolutely no reason to stop me seeing my children.


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